Chapter Tweleve

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Three days later, Brandy and I were in the kitchen, going over what we needed from the store, before we left. Jimmy and Zacky were getting ready to leave to the studio. Zacky was finishing up a song or riff, something he has been at for a few days.

"Guys! I have to leave now!" Zacky demaned running into the kitchen.

Brandy shook her head, "Were not leaving yet Zacky, we havent went over everything."

He growled, "Fine, Im taking my car."

"Dont leave Jimmy then!" I yelled as he rushed out of the kitchen after his keys.

"Drop him off!" Zacky shouted as he walked out the door.

I shook my head at Brandy, "Those fucking guys and their music."

"Their getting so much better though!" She said excited, "And bigger."

I laughed, "That is true. Do we have everything written down?"

Brandy looked over the list again, "Yea, I think so."

"Let me go get Jimmy and see if hes ready." I said as I went off up stairs to get Jimmy.

I knocked on our bed room door and opened it, "Jimmy, are you ready yet?"

"No, I need more time." He said with his nose in paper, writting.

I sighed, "How much long?"

He looked at me, "A while actually, go on with out me. Leave your car and I'll take it."

"Okay." I sighed.

Jimmy got up and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

I laughed, "You need to shave babe!"

He shook his head, "I'll do so before a leave. Have fun shopping."

"Will do." I said as I started out the door.

"Love you!" He called out.

"Love you too!" I yelled back as I headed down stairs and out the door with Brandy.

We got the first store and grabbed a few drinks, then headed to another. We were weird, because we shopped different places for drinks and food, but before we got our food, I begged Brandy to go to target. Jimmys birthday was in Febuary and I had an idea of what I wanted to get him, so I wanted to check it.

"What is it that you want to get him, thats at Tartget?" Brandy laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I just wanted to look."

Brandy pushed me and laughed, "You dork. His birthday is in two months, he can wait."

"I dont know what it is, I like to run around target." I laughed.

A phone started to go off. I looked at mine and it wast me. I looked at Brandy and she pulled her phone out.

"Its Zacky." She said answering it.

I shook my head and started looking at the little kids clothes. I dont know why, but I liked to look at them. I guess its cause I've always wanted a kid, but whatever, Jimmy wasnt ready. I wasnt ready.

"Hey Cyndy, what did Jimmy say when he talked to you before we left?" Brandy asked.

I thought for a second, "He was finishing up a song, going to shave, then head to the studio in my car."

Brandy repeated what I said back to Zacky, then had a weird look on her face, "He said hes not answering his phone and your car is still at the house."

I glared at her, "Tell your creep lazy as boyfriend to go drag him out of the house and stop snooping around."

Brandy laughed and told him what I said, then hung up.

After we left target, we headed to our next store. We started tossing all the things in our buggie. We talked about the guys and how excited we were for them on this new record they were working really hard on. We talked about the past.

"Zacky, just texted me." Brandy said looking at her phone, "He said to get to the hospital quick."

I looked at her weird, "Should we get our stuff and take it home first or?"

"He said emergance, so I guess not." Brandy said as she awkwardly left the buggie, "What do you think it is?"

I shrugged my shoulders and jogged to the car with Brandy behind me, "Whatever it is, I dont think Im going to like it."

We got to the hospital to the ER and looked around. I found Zacky walking back and forths, freaking out. Syn was sitting against the wall, with his face buried in his knees. I had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, it wasnt good. Specially if it had Zacky freaking out.

"Zacky, what is it?" I said getting his attention.

He looked at me and shook his head.

"Babe." Brandy said, stopping him from walking, "What happened?"

Tears poured from his eyes, "I cant. I cant."

I looked at him weird then looked at Syn. He looked up at me and had been crying. It broke my heart to see him like that.

"Zacky." I said as I snatched his shoulder and looked him in the eye, "What happened?"

"Its Jimmy." He said looking me in the eye, "I dont know how to tell you. I can barely think straight. Syn wont even talk."

Both of us look at Syn and he got up, walking over to us.

"I'll tell her." Syn said as his voice cracked.

Brandy looked at me and then Zacky, "What about Jimmy?"

Zacky looked at me, then walked with Brandy down to the cafe.

Syn took me into the empty confrence room just a few doors down. He shut the door and leaned on the table in front ofm. He had his arms crossed and was starring at the ground.

"Syn." I said upset, "Whats wrong with Jimmy? Why wont you talk?"

Syn took a deep breath and fought back tears, "Cyndy, Jimmy's gone."

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