Brooklyn Wyatt | Family Dinner

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Today is the day of my dads 50th birthday. To celebrate we are going out for a meal and then going back to my parents house to continue the celebrations.

"You ready?" I ask Brook, slightly annoyed as he has been getting ready for the past hour.

"I don't understand what takes you so long? I was ready an hour and a half ago. All you have to do is shower, do your hair and choose an outfit!!" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Babe, chill, I am ready. Takes a long time to look this good you know." He replies whilst winking at me.

I can never stay mad at him for too long and it really pisses me off.

I pick up my bag and slip on my converse.

"You look gorgeous" He says, wanting me to forgive him.

"Doesn't take long to look this good" I say with a smug smile on my face. He laughs and places a kiss on my forehead. I face and him and place a kiss on his lips and then I open the door and make my way to my car, Brook following after me.

The restaurant is only around the corner so the drive isn't too far. Brook connects his phone to the Bluetooth. He flicks through his music, trying to choose a song. He chooses a song and a smile grows on his face.

I wish you were my girlfriend
You drive me freaking crazy

Dynamite plays loudly through the speakers, Brook singing along. I look at him and smile, knowing how proud him and the boys are of the new EP.

Brook looks over to me as Andy finishes his verse.

"Supercalafragamazing" He screams at the top of his lungs, which makes me burst into laughter. He then proceeds to sing "Super Gorgeous Sexy Baby". This line never fails to crack me up. Of course the boys gave it Brook to sing. Only Brook.


I approach the restaurant, pulling into the only free parking space. All my families cars are already here, meaning we are late. Doesn't make a change. Brook grabs my dads card and presents and we make our way towards the door. I walk in and see my family at our usual table. I run over to my dad and pull him into a tight hug. I've missed him. Staying with the boys is amazing, but due to them always being on tour, I am always with them, which stops me from seeing my family. At first it was hard but we are all used to it now.

Brook says hi to everyoneand sits down, gesturing me to sit next to him. I say hi to everyone else and sit on the chair between my dad and Brooklyn.


We have all ordered and are waiting for our food to come when I feel a cold hand rubbing my thigh. I continue talking to my cousin, trying to ignore it. I turn around to look at Brook as his hand is moving further up my thigh. He just has a smug look on his face, knowing what he is doing to me. I grab his hand, moving it, placing my hand on his thigh doing the same thing, knowing how it affects him.

"Two can play at this game" I whisper into his ear, making sure that no one catches on to whats happening, I wouldn't want to ruin my Dads birthday meal.

I know how much Brook is enjoying it so I remove my hand from his thigh and grab my drink, leaving him wanting more. I chuckle to myself, knowing how I have teased him.


Everyone has finished their dinner and we are making our way back to my parents house. Brooks hand is resting on my thigh, his other hand is being used to choose a song.

"I can't believe you left me like that in the middle of a restaurant"

"Just me getting back at you for taking ages to get ready" I reply cockily whilst laughing.

"Just you wait until we get back, the things I'm going to do to you" He says, smirking at me


Okay so I didn't really know what I was doing with this and I didn't really know where I wanted it to go sooo

Mia xx

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