Rye Beaumont | School Work

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I get in from college, place my bag by the door and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey gorgeous!" Rye exclaims, clearly happy to see me, as he places his arms around my waist and places his head in the crook of my neck.

"Hi babe" I say, less enthusiastic than Rye, but college has been stressful today so it's expected.

I turn around and plant a kiss on his lips, I then move out of his embrace and open the fridge door. I didn't have enough time to eat today as my arsehole of a teacher decided to set a ridiculous amount of work for us to do as she wasn't in the lesson.  The only thing in the fridge, other than drinks, are Brooks sausages and I am really not in the mood to make a sausage sandwich.

I close the fridge door and sigh, my belly growling at the thought of not having food until I order something in.

"What's wrong?" Rye asks whilst popping the kettle on. "Tea?"

"Nothings wrong, I am just extremely hungry and have had a bad day at college and still need to do all my homework but yes I will have a tea" I reply, trying to not come across annoyed.

"Go upstairs, get changed, put something on the TV and I will bring your tea up when it is ready? Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds perfect, thank you" I say, grabbing my bag and making my way to Ryes room. He knows exactly how to chill me out after a hard day, and I really appreciate him for it.

I drop my bag down, open up Ryes drawer and pop his yellow converse hoodie on, pairing it with some leggings. I sit down on his bed and turn on his TV and I flick onto Netflix.

I hate choosing what to watch so I leave it on the homepage and get my laptop out as I need to do work.
I feel a poke in my side making me jump.

"I am not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention" I hear Rye say from next to me. I must have been so engrossed in my work that I didn't even notice Rye come into the room.

"Let me finish this and then you can have my full attention for as long as you like" I reply with an apologetic smile on my face. He looks at me and sticks his bottom lip out, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"All you ever seem to do is work though" He says, a sad tone coming across his voice. This sad voice makes me feel bad but my work will never get done if I constantly fall for his sad voice.

"Give me ten minutes and I will be finished"

I sit fixated on my work, determined to get it finished, until my concentration is broken by a hand travelling up and down my thigh. This sends shivers down my spine and makes every hair on my body stick up. I try and ignore it and remain focused on my work, this proving to be easier said than done.

"Ry - e"

"What? Does that feel good?" I can sense the smirk growing on his face as he knows I am enjoying it.

Suddenly, my laptop is removed from my lap and replaced with Rye. He pushes me down so I am now laying fully on my back.

"Although my hoodie looks good on you, I kind of prefer you without it on" A smirk appearing on his face, knowing I will do what he says. He grabs the hem of the hoodie, I lift my arms up, allowing him to easily slide it off my body.

I smile, whilst I appreciate the man I can call my boyfriend. I move my hands up and down his body, making sure I don't leave any of his features out. His perfect abs, his jawline, his muscles, his everything.

I tug at the waistband of his joggers, showing I want him to take them off. He knows what I mean and he takes them off, placing them on top of his hoodie. I do the same with my leggings.

Rye is now on top of me staring down at me, giving me the look I can't resist. He bites his lip and leans down, places a kiss on my lip and then moves down to my neck, finding my sweet spot, making me moan.

"Shh, the boys are in" I bite my lip, the risk of the boys being in and hearing me moan makes me want to do it even louder.

He makes his way down to my bra, he pulls it down with his teeth and then proceeds to leave a trail of kisses down to my thigh. He works his way back up to my sweet spot on my neck, this time leaving his mark.

This boy knows what he's doing that's for sure.

He plants his lips back onto mine, our tongues exploring each others mouths. The kiss gets deeper and deeper by the minute, more passionate, more hungry.

I moan as he thrusts into me, the rougher the thrusts get, the louder my moan. The louder my moan, the more intense the feeling gets.

I'm about to reach my climax and so is Rye. I didn't know his thrusts could get any deeper or more intense but they somehow did, and wow did it feel amazing.

I let out one last moan as he releases into me, struggling to catch my breath.

Rye lies down next to me, sweat forming on his forehead and chest, also struggling to catch his breath.

He looks over to me and smiles. He places a kiss on my lips.

He reaches over and passes me my laptop.

"Still want to do your work?" He says laughing, knowing what my answer will be.

"Umm, what a stupid question" I laugh, placing my laptop next to me. I place my head on his chest, I listen to his heart beat, which before I know it, sends me to sleep.


I may aswell start a smut book at this rate as it seems to be the only thing I can somewhat write. I apologise that this chapter is longer than previous chapters but I felt like it needed that build up.
I hope you enjoyed, thank you.
- Mia xx

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