Brooklyn Wyatt | The Roadies

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"Thank you for the I'm very rich Babe! 'Can I have a VM for Becky' Of course, Hey Becky. Hope to see you soon gorgeous, love you" I hear him say from inside his room. He's live on TikTok. The roadies don't know about us yet and Blair would kill us if he knew I was seen on a live so I carefully open the door, looking at where he's sat. On his bed, perfect. I can get in the room without the roadies knowing.

I sit at the end of his bed and pass him the punnet of frozen grapes which I bought up from the kitchen. My plan was for us to sit and chill and maybe put a film on. I wasn't expecting him to go live.

I am really proud of where him and the boys are at currently and seeing them living their dreams together is amazing. But it can be hard sometimes. For the boys and their personal relationships. The roadies aren't stupid and they figure everything out, whether that's the boys vaping or them having girlfriends.

Brook notices that I'm staring off into space with all of this on my mind. I try to shrug it off, but all I can think about is, when the roadies find out how will they react? Brook is the love of my life, but I wouldn't want to get in the way of his dreams.

"Right guys, thank you for joining the live, sorry it was a short one but somethings come up so I am going to have to go. Thank you, I love you all" He says, snapping me out my daydream.

"You alright babe?" He asks putting his phone on charge and sliding over to the end of the bed. His arms pulling me into his warm embrace.
"Yeah I'll be okay, just thinking. How come you ended the live?" I reply, acting like I'm fine.
"Because my gorgeous girlfriend looked sad" He says, giving me butterflies. I will never get used to the fact that I am Brooklyn Wyatt's girlfriend. "Now, what's up?" He continues, lifting my head up so I'm looking into his gorgeous green eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with when I first saw him at the Nottingham shows meet and greet.

"When are the roadies going to find out about us?" I say, still remaining eye contact.
"I was going to FaceTime Blair later and see when we can tell them? If that's okay with you?"
Him saying that gets my heart racing and my anxiety kicks in. What if they don't like me? What if it ruins the boys careers? They're going to hate me. I just know it. A tear slips from my eye and rolls down my cheek.
"They will love you I promise!" He speaks up, wiping the tear away.
"But what if they don't Brook, how much hate am I going to get, how much hate are you going get?"
"I love you, that's all that matters. They will see how gorgeous you are and how happy you make me. They will see how you get on with the rest of the boys. Yeah it will be a shock at first, like it was when Sonny joined the band. But they all love Sonny now. They will get used to it and they will love you. Trust me. They'd be stupid not too!" He tries to reassure me. "I will FaceTime Blair later, if he thinks it's right then we will tell them whenever you're ready and whenever you feel comfortable! Okay?"
"Yeah, okay" I reply, a smile growing on my face. I think about how we will be able to act like a normal couple, we can go on dates in public, and post instagrams, we can finally feel like we are properly together.

"It will all be okay, I promise. I love you" He replies, placing a kiss on my forehead and pulling me into his warm, fuzzy embrace. Making me feel safe. I know that as long as I have him, I will be okay.

"I love you too"

I don't think I like this by hey ho. Let me know if you have any ideas or requests.
Sorry if it was bad...
- Mia xx

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