Sonny Robertson | The One That Got Away

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A/N: this is probably going to be a long part with multiple POV shifts, enjoyyyy :) also, my first Sonny one... Italics will be Sonny's POV, normal text will be reader POV.

I wake up to the sound of the birds outside and the sun beaming through my blinds, this accompanied with a banging headache. Last night was a messy one, all I remember is coming home with a tall, black curly haired boy which I apparently can't remember the name of. Shit, I came home with someone.

I sit up and look over to my left, to see a ruffled up duvet and the indents on the mattress of someone who was previously there. Wow what a dick, leaving without saying anything or leaving a note. Ugh, typical.

I grab my phone off my bed side table to realise I didn't put it on charge last night. I pick up my charger and plug it into my phone. I get up and make my bed. Well, if straightening a duvet up classes as making the bed? I grab a towel out of my drawer and walk into my bathroom, placing the towel on the radiator when I hear my phone ringing from my bedroom.

"Hiya mate, I will be round in like 30 minutes. You ready for today?" My best friend Amelia says down the phone. Shit, I forgot about today. Amelia is dragging me to Sheffield to see some concert for the boyband RoadTrip. I don't listen to their music but Amelia really wanted to go so as I'm a good best friend I agreed to go with her.

"Ummm, more than ready, I'm just nipping in the shower, let yourself in when you get here." I reply, looking in the mirror at the state of myself. I hang up the call and walk back to the bathroom, turning the shower on and getting in.

I let the hot water run down my body as I put the pieces together of what happened last night.

"Sonny, mate are you okay?" I hear Jack shout from across the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"Just seem a little quiet that's all. You looking forward to the Sheffield tour date tonight, usually the crowds pretty good?"

"Yeah should be good" I say, giving Jack a half hearted smile, hoping that he doesn't ask me what I'm thinking about.

How the hell am I supposed to explain that I met a girl last night, who 1) I don't even know the name of and 2) I left her house this morning without her knowing. She must think I'm the biggest dickhead ever. I mean i'm probably never going to see her again anyways but that's not the point. I wonder if she even remembers anything from last night, because to be honest we were both pretty drunk. All I can remember is that she was absolutely stunning. Long brown hair which draped over her shoulders. She was tall but not too tall. She was so passionate about music, I wonder if I told her about the band however i'm kind of hoping I didn't as she would probably just stereotype me as a typical boyband member; a player.

All I can think about is him. Black curls. Nose ring. Meaningful tattoos dotted around his body. Veiny arm and hands.

I feel stupid that all I can think about is a boy who I met whilst I was drunk, who I don't know the name of and who I won't ever see again. I choose not to tell Amelia about him, as I know she will tell me to get over myself and forget about him. She'd call me stupid for going for a guy who would fuck me over the next day. But he was different. He was sweet, he was caring, he was adorable. 

"We need to leave as the trains going to be at the station shortly." Amelia speaks up, I can tell she's stressing. Neither of us have been to Sheffield before and I know how much RoadTrip mean to her so I quickly throw on the outfit she picked out for me and brush through my hair.

Amelia runs to the front door, my keys off the side and unlocking the car.

"Amelia, you're going to have to pass me my keys if you want to get to the train station on time." I say laughing.

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