chapter 1 part 1:graduation

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  This chapter is dedicated to @hot_pinks.                                      
12th July 2013
Abuja, Nigeria
Sabrina's pov

" See you soon, drive safely you know I won't be there to supervise you and anything can-" Daddy was saying when I cut him off.

"Don't worry I will be fine insha Allah" I said. He sighed and entered the car, following him was mommy ya aliyah and
Ya aliza.  Ya ashraf and arif left earlier on.

Bidding my family good bye as they departed in the car. I looked down at my soaked pajamas which btw ya aliyah soaked  with water, I am so gonna get her for it. I made my way inside looking at the time it's already 6:00am. Today is my speech and price giving day which starts by 10:00 I still can't believe a stubborn 15 years old driving herself to her graduation and yes I mean 15 years old how cool can that be.My family left early because all parent and guest are suppose to be there before 7:00. I want to leave by 8:00.

I made my way to the kitchen and served myself breakfast which was roast duckling with orange sauce  and raspberry juice.
I quickly ate my food and made my way to my room and locked it. Grabbed a towel and head to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with raspberry scent toothpaste and took a hot shower with
raspberry gel.

After coming out of the bathroom, I applied dove deodorants and dove body lotion. I brushed my long, silky black hair that reached my lower spine and packed it with a blue Ribbon into a neat bun. Then the dress . The dress is a dark blue off shoulder but not completely more like a cold shoulder princess dress like literally a PRINCESS dress, which I designed myself. OMG! I didn't introduce myself.

By name is Sabrina Adila khaleed well its actually Sabrina Mahir but I like using my father's name which is khaleed instead of my family name then my middle name Adila nobody really calls me Adila but I like it that way. I am a nigerian from kaduna state but also an American by birth I actually lived in Los Angeles  for nine good years. I am  15 years. I am an under  graduate of la- vogue international School Abuja. I am a stubborn, naughty,short-temperd, fearless, beautiful that what they say, feisty that is also what they say but I don't think I am not all,lazy they say am lazy but am not well maybe a little,  typical Nigerian girl.
Also a young fashion designer from a beautiful family of seven.

Khaleed Mahir, my father is  50 years old. He is the grand owner of mahirs group of industries.,  from kaduna state Zaria local government and also an American by birth, he cares and loves his family so much and  the best father.

Aisha Mahir, my mother is a 43 years old business woman, her mother is half turkish and half nigerian (shua Arab), her father my grand father is an Arabian from dubai and also a Nigerian from kaduna. She rules the Mahir's household like a queen and very strict mother. Astagfiruallah but I don't really love her and father like a child should love her parents I love them but not as much as I love ya aliza(eliza) and ya arif (sadiq).
They were there when I was alone and they thought me the right things and they served as my parents when mom and dad will always be busy with work. I love them more than I could ever love anything or anyone.

Aliza (eliza) Mahir, my sister, other mom, best friend, my everything is 20 years old student of Nile turkish  university. Studying civil engineering she's a nice, sweet, friendly, cute elder sister. One of the best being on earth. She's a twin to a very opposite her, ya aliyah (Eliyah).

Aliya (eliyah) Mahir , my other elder sister studying accounting in nile turkish university she's a twin to my best sister but exact opposite she's mean, evil, annoying, two faced dummy. A sister that is so evil, she can't be described. She's an exact look alike to ya aliza also studying in the same school  and she get along with ya aliza do much and they are like so close and also best friend but she always find a way to make me mad.i still love her.

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