chapter 3: farewell motherland

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Abuja, Nigeria.
14th July 2013
Sabrina's pov

"Kubra be fast, it's almost 7:00 we will miss the flight!" I yelled from the kitchen as I served the food for everyone which was cheese souffle with savory sauce, I might Almost be late for the flight but I did what I can do best, cook. The last time at least. Everyone came down at the same time including Mrs khaleed yay! (Note the sarcasm). Kubra was dressed in a maroon t- shirt that reached her mid thigh and a black jeans with a maroon ankle boot , black veil. So did I but my top and boot were dark blue.

Every one finished eating we made our way outside without a word from anyone.

I, Kubra , ya aliza and ya arif was driving while the others followed daddy's car. We hitted the driveway and he was going at average speed seriously!

"Step on it " we all yelled. And he smirked and did but I regretted it because.......... am sure you know why, now........."aaaaahhhhhh"

We arrived at Nnamdi azikwe international airport. Tumbling our trolleys as both our families followed suite. Our flight was to take off in the next 15 minutes, time for the tears. I sauntered towards ya arif and his eyes were red and he was holding the tears very tight as he embraced me in a hug. How I wish tears will flow from my eyes.

"I will miss you sabrina"

"Mee too" I said as he kissed my forehead. He also hugged Kubra. Saying "bring my chips while coming back" she nodded tears flowing endlessly. I walked to ya alia as she wanted to cry but she couldn't because of her stubborn attitude

"I won't miss you tod face" she said not meeting my gaze.

"Not even a little" I said turning her face with my hands.

"C'mere why won't I miss you" she hugged me, she seriously hugged me she has never in her life did that she says she will catch my disease.

"Now who would i pick on" she pouted sadly.

"Don't worry you will find someone, eventually" I winked passing her, daddy.

"Daddy-" he cut me off with a warm fatherly hug. "I can't describe how much. ....." he broke down into fit of tears. I shook my head "don't daddy" he kissed my forehead. I walked to mom and dad (kubra's parent) and hugged them too. Then to ya jawahir (kubra's sister) I was about about to hug her when she stopped me saying ' we don't hug we fist bump" she said crying I nodded and fist bumped her. Next was ya ashraf that beast who Will look at him. I walked pass him without sparing him glance.

Then my so called mother, I might not have the best relationship with her but she is still my mother beside am going to miss her yelling and abusing me. She hugged me tightly and pats my back, is she really hugging me if she would hug and embrace me like this every time am leaving the country when don't I do it everyday. Today is one of the happiest day of My life. But why now, when about to leave for like five years or so. I smiled widely.

"Good bye and good luck with everything" she said smiling.


Last but not the least my reason for living, my source of living, my milky way. Ya aliza, she had already started her water works I ran and jumped on her hugging her. I feel like never letting go. I feel safe. We stayed like that for what seems like eternity.

"I love you more than anything eliza" I said calling her by her real name.

"Ssh, go and conquer your dreams go!" She said to I and kubra.
We were about to leave when she said "wait"

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