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Tonight is WWE Stomping Grounds, the newest Pay-Per-View added to the Line-Up. The card is stacked with high profile matches. Having caught a glimpse at many different posters, trailers and even some gear for other wrestlers, you know there is a lot to come tonight. It's not gonna let anyone leave unscathed, especially not you and AJ. The Extreme Rules match this night will be very different from your last one, ever since Hunter told you to take it a little easier. Your gear is a bit different as well, you looking like you're heading into a brawl against a whole group of people. With the show already going on, there is a lot of speculation about how every match is gonna turn out. The hype has been building up for weeks, even months for other matches and fans have longed for the conclusion of many rivalries such as Lacey Evans vs Becky Lynch or Seth Rollins vs Baron Corbin. Have you felt nervous? Yes, but it's nothing you can handle.


Your Match is the third on the card and from a booking point of view, it has been stated that you and AJ have about twentyfive minutes to spare and go all out. It will take a lot of bumps, objects and pinfall attempts until one of you wins. And you're not one to easily let go. A pitbull is just the right description for you as your attacks are relentless, you rather use any tactic you can come up with than tapping. AJ is the same, but he has been beaten before. He has shown weaknesses and so you need to exploit those. Just a minute later it is your cue to walk out.

Under heavy boos, you walk to the ring, giving an overly confidend smirk to the crowd. It's easy for you to be hated and that's what you've always been. People don't like your recklesness and therefore some of them tried stopping you. Obviously they never succeeded and you're happy that you're still walking. When you get to the ring, you just fake entering and instead, you lift the ring curtain, pulling out chairs, kendo sticks, a table, a ladder and a baseball bat. Everything can and will be used to decimate each other and you arm yourself with another chair before finally entering the squared circle. A moment later, AJ enters and stares you down while getting closer. Your eyes never seperate and even when he gets in, he doesn't turn his back to you. The referee has to keep you two away from each other, so you don't brawl before the bell rings. And he does for the moment until the introductions are over.

 AJ catches on to your idea and grabs a chair as well, then meets you in the middle as you begin to clash. Metal meets metal several times until he actually hits your left hand and makes you drop the chair. This gives him the chance to really put on the pain. So when you're facing away from him, his chair collides with your back, making you stumble into the corner. AJ smiles shortly, only to ram the chair into your stomach over and over again. Yes, the pain feels familiar and close to the heart for you, remembering how bad you felt the next day after your first extreme match. When he's done for the moment, you can catch your breath and stand up straight again. AJ is already celebrating having the first shot of the match until you hook your arms around his shoulders and slam him onto the ring canvas. Now it's yur turn to deal some damage, so you take a chair and push it onto AJ's throat, slowly cutting off the oxygen. When he's close to fading, you stop and discard the chair again, picking him uo and talking smack to him.

Y/N:" This is the difference between you and me, AJ! I'm smarter than you! I'm stronger and I am faster! This will be your downfall!"

Then you hit him with a Clothesline, sending the Phenomenal One to the ground again. The pain is easily seen on his face already and the match just started. More ground tactics come into play as you hook your arms around his neck and choke him again, this time putting your own body strength into it. Fans begin to chant for AJ to break out and with a bit of leverage from the ropes, he does and kicks you in the stomach. He comes running from the ropes and takes you down with a Head Scissors, getting you to slide out. You hunch over for a moment and think about your next move until AJ comes flying over the ropes to hit you with a Phenomenal Forearm to the outside, flattening you. A seond after, he tries going for the first pinfall and hooks your leg, but you kick out right after one. Getting up one after another, you now really begin to throw fists at each other, wearing each other down much more. Your endurance is quite a challenge to overcome, but you can block AJ and push him against the ring post, this time he falls down. You take the time and set up a table right where you were just a moment ago. Then you take AJ, put him onto the apron and get up there yourself, only to get AJ on your shoulders and throw him through the table with a Death Valley Driver. The crowd goes nuts about it, seeing you both crash through the wooden structure, knowing this is only one of many spots to come. You don't go for the cover though, but get up again and laugh. This is really fun for you as long as everything is safe. Taking out a roll of tape, you get AJ, pres him against the ring post and tie his hands together. It looks very familiar, knowing the same scene from a match between Randy Orton and John Cena. You only smirk and get not one, but two kendo sticks from the ring. You lean one against the barricade while keeping the other in hand and putting it right under AJ's chin. Playing with your enemies is a big part of doing what you love. It makes everything more interesting while you inflict pain over the course of the match. Moving only a bit, you grasp the stick with both hands and begin to beat down on AJ's upper body. Red marks and some cuts open up over time, the longer you keep this up. Unfortunately the first kendo stick breaks after several hits, but as you're prepared, you take the second and repeat what you just did, making the man from Baton Rouge yell in pain. This causes him to wiggle around and the tape slowly loosens from his wrists, so he drops to the floor and holds his arms in front of his chest.

Y/N:" You had this comin'. This is what you wanted, not me. You challenged me and so, I'll kick your ass around until I lose interest."

AJ:" Screw...you!"

Some weak punches fly against your stomach, making you chuckle. Letting the man get up, you don't wait for long and try to kick his knee to mae him drop again, but he dodges, avoids your punch and gets back at you with his signature move: Ushigoroshi, dropping you from his shoulders onto his knee. This causes both of you to let go of each other and rest for a moment, until a certain black haired female named Zelina Vega runs down the ramp, towards you. She checks on you to see, if anything major gets to you. You shake your head and try to get up, leaning against the apron and as she sees AJ move, the athletic womanclimbs onto the apron herself and delivers a great looking Hurricanrana, sending AJ crashing against the barricade. Objects are spread out around you with several chairs being bent and twisted, kedno sticks broken, the table is in pieces. Only the latter and the baseball bat are left for now and seeing you being closer actually be on your feet, you slide into the ring and position the ladder in one of the corners. During that time, AJ is slowly getting up as well and slumps himself back into the ring too, only to be met with a boot to the side of the head, dropping him again. You then deadlift the older man into a Powerbomb position and turn towards the ladder, which collides with AJ in just a matter of seconds and impact. The cuts on his chest have bled a bit, smearing across his skin while you stumble back against the ropes and so you have to take a moment to comprehend everything that has been going on in the match until now. Zelina is watching from the ramp right now, rooting for you of course as you take a deep breath and stagger towards AJ who is completely in pain right now. The match is about twenty minutes in already and the last five minutes are set to put the pedal to the metal to give a worthy ending. It's not easy to impress anyone, so putting a giant spot to the end of the match is everything you need right now. You Set up the ladder outside this time, right in front of the announcer's desk, with michael Cole, Corey Graves and Renee Young moving out of the way. A glance up the ladder confirms that this will put the match to rest. Pulling AJ out of the ring aggressively, you drag him towards the desk and lay him onto it. Of course he tries to resist and decides to fight back against you, but with your forearm meeting his head from left and right, you lay him out flat and then climb up the ladder. This causes a lot of chatter around the whole arena while the commentators try to get you back down with words. They can't believe what you're about to do and before anyone else can say a word, you come crashing down with a hard Elbow Drop, making the table fall to pieces. Landing right on AJ, you go for the pin as good as you can.




The match is over, but at what cost? Was it really worth it to damage your body like that again? You don't know. You don't know how it would've ended it AJ moved out of the way. You don't even know how hurt you really are and if you're in need of a break or something. It's always good until the adrenaline wears off, but things in life have made you more resilient. This has got you respect around the WWE while a few others have questioned your sanity because of what you're doing in the ring. Out from exhaustion, the medics take care of you and AJ and help you to the doctor's office. Zelina is as close to it as possible being worried about you.

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