A quick death in Texas

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The week has passed quickly and so, Smackdown is in Texas tonight. This state is a place you have been to a lot and now coming back feels amazing. You know a few people around, but San Antonio holds a special place in your heart because it was here where you had the opportunity to fire a gun for the first time. A guy named Mick Parsley has been a big help whenever you were in town, helping you around, showing you where everything is and where to go from here on if you wanted to explore every inch of the state. Of course the gun shooting had to come up some day, so he asked you about past experience. When you said you had some, old Mick wanted to see what you can do, so you went to his backyard where the slightly chubby man handed you an old Winchester rifle. Did you know the exact model? No, you're not an expert at any of this. Needless to say you hit some targets quite well, impressing Mick who carefully examined everything from behind.

You swear you would love to see him again,  but the test of time wasn't as kind as you expected. Unfortunately Mick had to move due to work and just last year, the news of his passing struck you. He died of lung cancer since he was smoking and surrounded by chemicals each day at work. So the best you could do is find out where he is burried and pay him a visit. That's why you and Zelina, who is smiling all through the trip, take a left turn towards the cemetary.

Zelina:" So this Mick was really a great man, huh?"

Y/N": He sure was. Mick has done many things to get me used to this town whenever I came here. I wonder what happened to his dog, Lola?"

Zelina:" He had a dog?"

Y/N:" You would've loved Lola. She was an American Water Spaniel and just the most playful dog I have ever met. It didn't take her long to learn to like me."

Zelina:" That sounds wonderful. I wish we had a dog like that."

Y/N:" Don't worry, we'll get one in the near future."

Zelina:" You're the best, you know?"

Y/N:" Don't go all soft on me, honey. I like when you play hard to get."

Zelina then giggles and gets ready to get out of the car as you roll up to the parking lot. At first the whole thing looks a bit worn down, but you're not here to judge. Before you two go, you grab some flowers from the back of the car before locking it. A cemetary isn't much of a happy place as you make your way through, looking at the tombstones to see when exactly you arrive at Mick's grave. People look at you for a second before moving on while you finally spot the right grave. Everything is well kept and free of damage. Reading out loud,  you process every word.

Y/N:" Here lays Michael 'Mick' Parsley. A man of many talents who has helped around his neighbourhood as best as he could. His legacy in San Antonio will never be forgotten."

In smaller text is mentioned that Lola was burried with him, which causes you to chuckle just a bit. The two were inseperable, even in death. A moment later you go down on one knee and place the flowers on the grave. You don't easily get emotional, but this almost causes you to shed a few tears while Zelina puts a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. The wind also picks up, making the leafs rustle around you.

Y/N:" Mick really did so much here. I'm glad people honor him this way."

Zelina:" I never got to know him, but judging from your words, everything must be true."

Y/N:" Since we're in Texas anyways, I know exactly what to do tonight. I know I said I wouldn't involve myself in serious business, buuuuut...there is one man who needs to get his ass kicked."

Zelina:" You're going after Shane, right?"

Y/N:" Damn right. After the short incident I had with him a few weeks back, I have to get my point across."

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