Under Your Scars

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Before I start this chapter, I would like to give a shoutout to a friend, fellow author, commenter and wrestling fan: DarioIvanovski

He is an author who writes stories about OCs who are paired with women from all over the WWE. I'd appreciate, if you gave him a follow, likes and comments. Trust me, you won't regret checking him out.

So there you are, sitting in front of Hunter while Zelina, Andrade and Brienna have also joined you. The brawl from just a few minutes ago has caused a lot of commotion around the backstage area and that, of course, would never have gone unnoticed. The expression on Hunters' face says a lot about how he feels as the tension in the air is about to suffocate you all.

Hunter:" So...Brienna has told me her side of the story. Now Y/N, I wanna hear you first. Then Andrade."

Andrade:" Excuse me, but why does he get the first shot? I am the victim here!"

Hunter:" If you raise your voice against me like that again, I'll make sure you're out of here in less than a minute. Am I clear?"

Andrade then nods frantically as you take a deep breath and begin your story.

Y/N:" I was looking for Andrade anyways to give him a piece of my mind. The way he acts towards me was pissing me off, if I may say so. When I turned around a corner, I saw him forcing himself on Brienna. He was about to touch her inappropriately, so I intervened before anything else happened. I was trying to talk to him about it, but he was out to fight and...well, you know what happened."

Hunter:" Mhm. Alright. Andrade, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Andrade:" I didn't do any of that crap. The pendejo over there just can't stand that people are better than him, so why should he get all the attention on TV? I've struggled to get back into the ring while he was handed a silver spoon on his first day up here."

Hunter:" You didn't answer my question. Did you sexually assault Brienna or not?"

Andrade:" No, I just tried to get to know her. She's new around here after all."

Brienna:" That doesn't give you the right to touch me like that, you pervert!"

Y/N:" Zelina, could you bring her somewhere quiet to calm down? I'll be with you when we're done here."

Zelina nods and takes Brienna's hand to lead her somewhere else. The whole thing already brings your blood to a boil as Hunter clicks on something on his Laptop. The only thing you can think of are the videos from the security cameras and that's exactly what it is. He turns the Laptop around and starts the recording, showing exactly what happened between Andrade and Brienna. Does this cause an outrage? Yes. So Hunter tells you,  he will handle it from here and that you're free to go. You nod quickly and make your way towards where Zelina is now. Not only are you gritting your teeth, you also open and close your fists repeatedly as you walk, passing several people along the way. Many look at you, others avoid any eye contact at all until you spot the black hair of your girlfriend. Zelina hands Brienna a tissue before noticing you.

Zelina:" Hey Y/N. I see that you're finished. How did it go?"

Y/N:" I've seen the recording from the security cameras. Andrade is a disgusting man, but Hunter is taking care of everything."

Zelina:" That's good. I never thought he would do that. Oh, how wrong I was."

Y/N:" Not only you. I thought he would be an alright guy to work with, but he proved us all wrong."

You then go down on one knee and wrap your arms around Brienna who quickly does the same. The time you've been apart has taken a lot out of you and her, since you, her and Zelina were always around each other, in and out of school. Even when you began to wrestle, the two held contact with you and each other.

Some hours later, the mood has lightened a bit as you three went to catering for a meal. Of course there were people around who have asked questions, but you told them to drop the matter for now. Not everyone needs to know everything that's going on.

Brienna:" Thank you two for helping me out. I don't know how to repay you."

Zelina:" There's no need to. We're friends after all."

Y/N:" Exactly. And if you need a place to stay for some time, you can stay with us."

That of course causes Zelina to look at you with wide eyes, going unnoticed by Brienna who now has a big smile on her face.

Brienna:" Are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden for the two of you. "

Y/N:" Oh nonsense. I always have a spot for a friend. Now what do you say?"

Brienna:" I-I can't accept that offer. It would interrupt your relationship."

Zelina:" I'd say you think about it for a bit and then when we have your decision, we can head to the hotel."

It would be nice, if she agrees, but you can't force Brienna to do something. Hanging out like this is something you've missed for quite some time and having a bit of it to spare makes every day worth getting up. It wasn't always like that as some of the scars on your body have proven over time. You have tuned out the bickering around you,  focussing on where you're heading next in case of storyline reasons.

In the night, you all finally arrive at the hotel while you carry all the bags while the girls walk in first, holding the door open for you. It's not every day you have to do something like this, but you can't let them handle it on their own. Clishèe yes, cheesy yes, but not dead yet. So as you walk up the stairs, the talking and giggling is still present, making you smile slightly. Zelina and Brienna have found themselves really enjoying seeing you like this. Of course it's all in good spirits, but there are people in this world who would always love to have a slave. This makes you remember the woman from the restaurant a while back. You haven't been close to that establishment since then, because you know you wouldn't get out of there that easily. Luckily every thought about that burns away when you hear the door unlock, letting you walk in.

Y/N:" Finally, I can drop all this weight. What's in there anyways?"

Brienna:" Ladies' secret. But thank you for taking it all up here by yourself."

Y/N:" No problem,  I just need to stretch."

You do exactly that, making your bones pop and letting out a sigh of relief. It's so satisfying to get rid of all the tension as you plop down on the sofa. A look of confusion come from the two girls.

Brienna:" And where am I gonna sleep?"

Y/N:" You could share the bed with Zelina, if you two are fine with it. I'll take the sofa then."

Brienna:" Is this okay?"

Zelina:" I guess. It wouldn't be much of a change anyways."

Brienna:" But won't you miss his manly embrace? Or his scent?"

Y/N:" She always wears the shirt I had on throughout the day."

Zelina:" Exactly,  so we've got everything covered. You can change in the bathroom, if you want."

She nods quickly and takes her smaller bag before walking into the bathroom while you take off your shirt, pants and shoes as Zelina happily watches you. You shoot her a wink and lay down on the sofa. Zelina is putting on your shirt and heads to bed as well, shortly after followed by Brienna. You wish each other a good night and dimm the lights before doing your best to fall asleep.

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