Wonderful Life

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Voices around you,  bright lights everywhere. Your head is pounding as you try to get a grip on what's going on right now. When your legs got wobbly all of a sudden, you knew you were exhausted, but you didn't expect to end up in the trainer's room. It's unclear what exactly happened, but there's no rest for the wicked as you always say. So prompting yourself up, you clear your throat and stretch a bit as the doctor looks at you. This time it seems like he isn't in the best mood, but he gives you a quite okay smile. The clipboard in his hands is already showing some wear and tear, but that's not the point right now as his voice fills your ears.

Doctor:" So Y/N, the EMTs brought you here after you collapsed out there. Can you explain to me what you felt before going unconscious?"

Y/N:" I felt a bit dizzy and my head started hurting.  All the noise around me was slowly drowned out before my legs got weaker and weaker. I still have a bit of a headache right now,  but all in all I feel alright."

Doctor:" Alright, I see.  So we can scratch off some of my predictions. Judging from how it all went down, you were just overly exhausted. You didn't drink enough water as I saw after drawing some blood. Your eyes also tell me, you didn't sleep well for the last few days."

Y/N:" I didn't really look after myself for some time, yeah. I was preparing for my match so much that I didn't eat enough and completely ignored what my body was telling me."

Doctor:" You know that's bad for you.  I would say you get yourself back on track and balance your daily routine before something more serious happens."

Y/N:" Alright, doc. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the check up."

You both then shake hands and you gather everything you need before making your way out of the room, only to be embraced by a pair of arms. Of course Zelina would wait for you and right here she is, hugging you closely.  You remember your promise as you hug her as well.

Zelina:" You dummy.  I told you to take care of yourself.  Why didn't you do that?"

Y/N:" Because I have a thick skull, just like a donkey. I know what I did was wrong, I know it could have ended worse...I know I'm too careless."

Zelina:" Yes, that's pretty much you. I'm just so glad you're alright. How do you feel?"

Y/N:" So far, so good. A slight headache and really sore,  but that's to be expected. How about you?"

Zelina:" You should know by now. I was worried when I saw you collapse just as you were going to celebrate. Luckily the ref, Charles Robinson, has called for a few more EMTs. After the doc has taken you in, I've waited here while several people asked me, if there were any news on your condition."

Y/N:" Geez, people care more about me than I expected."

Zelina:" That's because you're great friends with most people and...you're still my boyfriend after all."

Y/N:" I wouldn't have it any other way, sweetheart."

You two chuckle shortly and then share a passionate kiss with each other. For many others around, it's still a slight surprise to see you and Zelina being together, but you don't give a damn. What matters right now is that you're alright and so you hold her hand as you walk through the backstage area where some of your friends are discussing something. It's always great to see all of them get along so well, so you let them chat a bit more before any of them notice your arrival. The first one being AJ who seems to be alright as well.

AJ:" Y/N, it's so good to see you walking again. You really scared me when I heard what happened."

Y/N:" I know. Being careless finally paid the price. I need to be more aware of the things my body tells me."

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