You're Going Down

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The event has an even pacing throughout as you wait for your turn to go out and do the damage you have planned. AJ has told you that he needs you on full impact for the fight and that he hopes to defy the critics' expectations. Last Man Standing is always brutal. It's not gonna be easy to get the victory and AJ won't back down anytime soon. Luckily you're also prepared for everything,  even if the whole thing with Andrade weighs on your mind.  Zelina has texted and called you too to know how you are and what was on the agenda for you over the week. It's not that you could ever deny her anything and being her best friend always feels great, so this little bump in the road won't do anything bad to you. But you're ripped from these thoughts when a door closes behind you.  The person walking out just looks at you for a moment before they move on in a hurry,  not really ready to mess with you at the moment. Shrugging you walk to the curtain and wait for your turn to enter the arena.


The time has come to dish out as much damage as possible. Andrade and Zelina have joined your side as you walk out, still getting booed by the crowd, but that's to be expected with a role like yours. On stage you look at your two allies and nod to make them go backstage again. The atmosphere has shifted while you move towards the ring,  a chill cascading down your spine. A bad feeling washes over you, thinking that the match will injure one of you. It's to be expected in this business, but something tells you that it won't end as smoothly as the matches before. Waiting in one of the corners, you lean back and watch AJ make his entrance with his henchmen Gallows and Anderson behind him. His eyes are on you with every step he takes in case you planned to attack him before the match. The odds are stacked against you as well since it's one vs three. It doesn't take long for the whole thing to blast off as you immediatly hit AJ with a Superkick. Bringing out your more aggressive side, you stomp away on each of his limbs to weaken him before he gets pulled out by his goons, but you don't intend to slow down. You bounce from the ropes for a moment before jumping over the top and turning your body halfway around to take the group down with a Spaceman Plancha. Was this included in the script? No. Did you care? Not at all. The fans want excitement and you're gonna deliver that to them as you pick up AJ and get him back in the ring. Kicking Gallows and Anderson down again,  you get back in as well and prepare for an onslaught brought by a pissed off AJ. The man from Georgia is already pretty eager to get this match going as his hands and feet collide with your face and lower body. Tonight is gonna be bloody since the two of you have a whole arsenal of moves and objects to use. The spots you have in mind are going to make the crowd come to life throughout this fight. But that all fades for now as you dodge the last strike and hit AJ with a knee to the side of the face. It has a good effect too, driving him further to unconsciousness. So you repeat the move four times and look at your work. Time is running, but that's the least of your concerns right now. The ref starts to count and does well until AJ gets up at four and moves his hair out of his face, locking eyes with you. This is an all too familiar sight and people know what's gonna happen. You smirk as well as AJ and so you wrestle each other down, hitting and kicking each other over and over. It doesn't matter if either of you will bleed from the nose or anything,  you will finish this match the way it's intended to end. This time the punch out ends with AJ in the better position,  so he unleashes another wave of forearm strikes on you,  some landing close to your nose or eyes. He's really doing his best to switch the dynamics of the match, so nobody gets bored. Before the count begins,  AJ goes outside and grabs a chair from underneath the ring to keep you down if you should get up too early. Of course there is already pain shooting through your heads,  but that doesn't stop you from continuing at all. Getting back up and seeing AJ with the chair, you chuckle and let him hit you with it. So he no avail.  You don't even flinch from the impact and as he goes for another swing,  you punch the chair right when it's positioned in front of his face. Staggering, he tries to focus,  but can only do so after a Release German Suplex. Now having you handle a weapon like this is never a good idea, so Gallows and Anderson get involved. One is climbing the apron while the other tries to rip the chair from you, but that attempt falls flat as you knock down one after the other with heavy knee strikes to the abdomen. Interferences only annoy you,  so it's better to get rid of them before anything else. Turning back to AJ, he's sitting in the corner and takes a deep breath which leaves his lungs in a hurry when you stomp onto his chest. He hasn't shown too much resistance yet, but you know that something will backfire just as the whole thing moves on. And you'd be right because when you climb the turnbuckle to show off your dominance, AJ quickly moves and powerbombs you onto the chair that's in the middle of the ring. In the time this goes down Zelina and Andrade have finally decided to come to your aid,  distracting the ref as you're rolling out now and hide under the ring for a moment,  startling AJ who's stomping onto the ring canvas in a fit of rage. He looks towards your allies and gets out of the ring with Gallows and Anderson behind him once again,  but before one of them can get too close, you appear with two kendo sticks.  You smack them together before unleashing your rage on the entirety of The OC. To Zelina, this looks wonderful since she knows you'd do anything to keep her safe. Not that she can't defend herself, but having you take out the big guys is always welcome. Andrade on the other hand looks on with a lot of skepticism. He doesn't really get what your attack is supposed to prove, but he lets it pass for the night. So when AJ is on his knees in front of you, you pat his shoulders with the kendo sticks before hitting him left and right with them. Red marks fill his body while you plan your next move. Seeing the opportunity, you throw one stick away and hold the other with both hands, starting to choke the Phenomenal One with it.

Y/N:" Think, AJ! Think!!! I am taking the lead at Smackdown. I will dominate the entire roster and there is nothing you can do!"

Then you get AJ up and try to throw him against the ring post, but this plan fails as he reverses and makes you crash against it. The impact causes a small cut to open right over your left eye brow, making you bleed a little. In normal circumstances, everyone else would call for a doctor from ringside,  but not you. You let the red liquid drop onto the floor and also onto your body as you scramble for something to get up. AJ sees that and attacks you again,  swiping you off your feet once again. He's about to take another object from under the ring, but is stopped by Andrade who kicks him in the back, prompting him from doing anything else.  When the two come face to face, AJ goes for a punch, but Andrade ducks away and so AJ's fist almost hits Zelina. Realizing what almost happened, you grit your teeth and get up, grabbing AJ and turning him around. You argue with him about almost hitting your girlfriend and when he's about to settle this dispute in the dust,  you grab his hair and the rim of his pants,  only to throw him against the barricade with unbearable force. Seeing this, the ref gets out and begins to count again while you sit on the apron to watch the situation. Zelina asks you how you feel and you just answer that she doesn't need to worry too much because of a little cut on your forehead. That answer isn't what she wanted exactly, but it puts her at ease for now. At a count of seven, AJ gets on his feet again and stumbles around a bit, only for your foot to hit his face again and then you drag him to the commentary table which you put him on while ordering Andrade to get a ladder and put it up. Knowing you,  he takes one that's larger than average and puts it right in front of the table where you punch AJ once more. Gallows and Anderson try to stop you from going up, but Zelina and Andrade can get them off while you ascend to greater hights. It takes you a lot of nerves to do this, but it's worth it. You do it for the sport and for the entertainment as well. Looking down, you see the beaten down AJ still on the table and nod rapidly. One last breath and you let yourself fall,  turning over for a Swanton Bomb.  The table collaoses on impact immediatly as you and AJ are all piled over one another, not moving at all. The ref is checking on the both of you to see that you're still breathing as the count begins again. You can't believe what you just did and judging from the crowd reaction,  you did more than just well enough. As the dizzy feeling fades, you and AJ get up just before nine and look at each other. He grunts in exhaustion, but doesn't seem to give up after all,  neither do you,  so that drives AJ to do something else. The moment you come back up from a heavy breather,  AJ storms right at you and is about to tackle you through the barricade, if Zelina wouldn't have pulled you away. Everyone looks on in shock as they lay eyes upon the unconscious man. Gallows and Anderson plead for AJ to get up in time. They keep hyping him up, so the match doesn't end yet,  but you take that upon yourself,  dragging his lifeless body to the stage. You have thought about this finish a damn lot and you think tonight is the night to bring it out. So you  stare at the crowd for a moment,  you then put AJ onto your shoulders and powerbomb him from the stage and through two tables. This also has taken the last big bit of energy from you as you stumble backwards against the stage setup, only getting a grip when you hold onto the rim of the curtain from where you came from. You drown out the chants, coming from everywhere around you as you try to focus on yourself. The count is progressing as you hold your neck and look upon the arena, seeing Gallows and Anderson yell in frustration while Andrade and Zelina come to celebrate with you.  The ring announcer makes sure that every single person knows that the match ended with you as the winner. In a normal situation you would smile, but this whole thing has taken a lot more out of you than you expected. You see the medical crew checking on AJ and decide to wait a moment to see, if anything went wrong. It's not always clear who got hurt more and a second later, you feel your legs give in.

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