Chapter Two: A deal's a deal

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CHAPTER TWO: A deal's a deal

Jen woke up from the annoying beeping sound of her alarm. She didn't want to wake up, not since she just slept about an hour ago. She couldn't sleep ever since she found out her life has turned upside down. Jen groaned as she pushes herself up from the bed and to the shower. 

It was her day off, yes, but that didn't mean she doesn't have other plans. 


"You're accepting the offer?" Ethan couldn’t believe what he heard. Jen was the type that couldn't be budged in any way, whatever made her change her mind?

"Yes sir," she simply answered with sweaty palms. 

Probably she was threatened for her job, or maybe she was bribed for her future project. Who knows? Jennica Price is always mysterious to Ethan's eyes. But all that's clear is he blackmailed her. 

Yes, it was like his stomach fell into a deeper place. He felt awful, after all she has done for him, he blackmailed her. He wasn't raised to do such a thing, but it's not like he could help it. 

"Ok then, you made the right decision. You'll have a day off tomorrow and we'll meet up with my lawyers." 

→→→→→Present Day→→→→→

And that was it then he cut the line. As usual, he was being the boss of everything. Jen as being Jen, she couldn't accept it that he will be having the upper hand on this marriage. 

After the short shower she got into her walk-in closet. As the second in command of the whole company (thanks to the privilege that Frank gave her) and a climbing wage that doubles every year, Jen has a fair share of branded stunning clothes for herself. 

With the business meetings and gatherings, she needs to make an impression for the company. 

She slipped in Victoria Beckham dress after applying lotion. The dress hugged all the right curves matching her brown hair with the theme of white, black, and red. The sleeveless top as white, the skirt as red, and black around the waist that looked like a belt. She paired it with black stilettos that has a strap. 

She left her hair in loose natural curls and left the building with her clutch in hand. 

On her way down her phone started vibrating, then she remembered putting it in silent mode last night. She took it out of her clutch and her heart took an effect. Ethan was calling.

"May I help you sir?"she immediately answered. 

"Are you ready Jen?"

"Yes sir." she said with her business voice always on, her monotone and sophisticated voice.

"I sent a chauffeur to take you to my penthouse and we'll be discussing matters there."

"You didn't need to go through the trouble sir—" she stopped there after spotting a black tinted limousine with the driver waiting by the passenger's side outside the average apartment she lived in. 

"Please Jen, I insist." Then yet again he dropped the call without even a goodbye or such. I have to teach this man some manners if that's the case, she thought knowing she'll be living with that for a year. 

The ride to Ethan's penthouse was nerve wrecking for Jen. She couldn't stop fiddling her fingers together as she gnaw on her lower lip. It became a habit when she's nervous and she's the only one who knows about it, she was hardly nervous. 

When a child is brought up in hard times, in the future they are strong. It's true, that was how Jen's life was. After being rejected by number of parents, she really grew up in the orphanage. She worked hard for a scholarship in high school since they couldn't afford it and she got herself to where she is right now. Which is in the elevator about to meet your future husband in his luxurious penthouse, Jen sighed as her grip on her bag became tighter.

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