Chapter Five: Cheers.

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Chapter Five: Cheers.


“Los Angeles?” Jen deadpanned after setting foot off of the jet.

Their flight was very uncomfortable for her. They never spoke a word to each other and being confined in the flying jet was as awkward is it can get. The two needed to persuade people they really are a couple, thus they never left each other’s side.

But that didn’t stop Jennica to scan the area with aggravation. It was blazing hot in the middle of summer and she was beginning to sweat.

It was discomforting and the fact that she has no other choice but to stay with Ethan was such a bother.

“Most women would jump and squeal for joy once they found out they are in LA.” Ethan narrowed his eyes at her, “A penny for your thoughts?”

She almost scowled at him but held it back. “It’s such an honor to be compared to most women darling. But don’t worry about me; I’ll try to become one of them if you want to.” Jen said sweetly except with sarcasm and lividity dripping from every word.

The unnoticed and ignored—until just now—limousine in front of them was tinted and black. The driver opened the door of the backseats and bowed at them. “Mr. Mayland and Ms. Price, I’m here to escort you to your hotel,” he said.

She couldn’t stand being with Ethan already. She won’t be working with him already and the contract is signed, meaning true sentiments towards whatever is happening. Jen doesn’t have to bottle up and hold herself back for speaking her mind towards Ethan.

Right now, she has the privilege to get mad at him as his bogus girlfriend.

She entered the limo first when the other workers loaded the car with their baggage.

Ethan watched her silently slide in the seat. He was surprised with what she just told him. ‘…honor to be compared…’ it was the first time someone was this blunt to him. Everyone would kill just to take those words back. Though right now, he is the one desperate. He needed a wife and he doesn’t want just any woman—because women tend to get overly attached.

But not Jen, it wasn’t his intention to mean it like what she thought. He was meaning to say Jen was quite special, but it came out wrong.

The car stopped and outside the window is a beautifully architecture of a prestigious hotel. Jen didn’t wait for her door to be opened as she did it her own and stepped outside. It startled Ethan, then he too followed.

“Bring our luggage upstairs,” he ordered the driver and the driver nodded. Ethan followed the seething Jen to the doors of the hotel and inside the lounging area.

She approached the front desk and asked, “Room for Ethan Mayland please?”

The woman behind the desk went back to the monitor in front of her and searched. “Yes ma’am, the penthouse suit.” The lady answered and rummaged along her desk to get the key card for Jen.

Ethan caught up to her and slid his arm around her waist, “What’s the rush Jen?” he murmured at her ear.

“Don’t tell me I’m staying with you at the penthouse,” Jen said tiredly.

“Then where else are you going to stay?”


“Ma’am?” the lady interrupted her while handing over two copies of the key card.

Jen grabbed it and nodded for thanks. She took long stride getting to the elevator hoping to leave Ethan behind. “What’s wrong with you?” Ethan asked Jen as the elevator closed them in much to Jen’s intent.

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