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Harry was slumped on the couch sipping at a beer, he's reflecting on last Friday's events. Gemma joins him on the couch. 

"Harry, I think I owe you an apology" Gemma stated seriously. Harry looked at her discombobulated.

"you see I've been a bitter of pest, I mean, I didn't break up one kiss between you and Louis I broke up three" Harry choked on his beer at the bluntness of his sister, his cheeks turn bright red at the mention of Louis, let alone making out with him. 

"it's fine, sis" he dismissed casually, although his head still laced with the potential kiss enchanging moments.

"no, its not. I'm going to make it up too you. thats why I'm having a hens night!" she cheered, Harry's eyes filled with terror. 

"please tell me you didn't invite Louis" he said panicked.

"I sure did, Sierra, Jordan and Lottie too. they'll be here in 30 minutes" Gemma stated happily. Harry darted up from the couch. 

"fuck! Gemma, 30 minutes! why didnt you alarm me earlier" Harry tussles his hair in a mirror, getting frustrated at the curly mess. Gemma is quietly chuckling at her frantic brother. 

"I look homeless for crying out loud" Harry exclaimed. He started to attack a near by laundry basket, sniffing random articles. 

"stop stressing, were staying in. no one's going to see you" Gemma managed to say through chuckles.

"Gemma, I couldn't give a fuck what everyone thinks of me. However, you've invited over a very cute wedding planner whom I have a fucking crush the size of Africa on. Where the fuck are my jeans?" Harry sharply spat. Gemma mouth dropped at her brothers forwardness.

"I wasn't aware crushes could be measured" Gemma teased

"what exactly are your plans for tonight?" Harry asked calmly as he turned his jeans in the right way. Harry jigged as he slid his limbs into the denim.

"cologne, cologne, cologne?" he mumbled under his breath racing into the bathroom.

"thats for me too know and you too find out" Gemma smirked proudly. The doorbell rang, Harry's eyes beaded with horror, he gulped harshly. 

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck" Harry paced around, nervously running his fingers through his hair. 

"chill out, Harry" Gemma reached for the door handle. 

"Wooo, hens night!" Jordan cheered as she stumbles into the styles residence locking lips with Sierra. 

"you might want to know that were kind of, sort of, might be, tipsy from pre-party drinking" Louis hiccuped. 

"see not to worry your boyfriend is shit faced anyway" Gemma stated clearly, Harry freaked. 

"Gemma! he can hear you" Harry spat through his teeth.

"like he's gonna remember" Gemma rolled her eyes. Louis laces his arms around Harry's neck, Gemma watched her brother carefully wrap his hands around Louis waist. 

"you look so sexy tonight, but when don't you" Louis hiccuped, Harry chuckled nervously. Lottie gives Gemma a hug as she enters through the door with a slab of toilet paper. She rolls her eyes smirking at her older brother clinging lovingly to a nervous Harry. Harry isn't sure what to do but Louis does, he presses his lips onto Harry's. 

"well hope that makes up for everything, bro" Gemma laughed at the crazy pair. Harry gives her a brief thumbs up as their lips part, inviting Louis' liquor laced breath to dance in Harry's mouth.  

"He's been dying to do that for months" Lottie slurred.

"Harry too" Gemma added. 

im gonna keep this night ambiguous hehe, who knows what happened that night no one could tell in those drunken hours


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