That Alone I'd Never Find

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14 August 2017
"We're home guys!!" Dean called excitedly.
He received no reply, so started descending the stairs.
"Hello?" They both waited for a response. "Maybe they went out?" Cas suggested.
"They would have left a note. They knew we were getting back today"
They reached the kitchen, there was no-one. The Dean cave was empty too, and the library. They went through all the bedrooms, lastly theirs.
"SUPRISE!!" Everyone yelled as they opened the door.
Dean and Cas jumped out of their skins and then noticed what was the surprise.
Their room had been completely redecorated. The shabby old brown sheeted bed had been replaced with a beige wooden framed bed with gradient sheets and pillows, going from blue to green. Resting on the bed were 3 round, black pillows, one with a D in Green thread, one with C in blue, and one with J in white.
The shelf behind the bed had been cleared and replaced with a huge shelving unit with compartments for music and books and small draws for more 'personal' item. The shabby furniture was all gone and replaced with new, beige, wooden items. There was no desk- it was never used anyway- but a wooden cot was in its place. It had symbols and sigils carved in the bars, Cas recognised some; protection, warding, dampening, luck, and black sheets with white wing patterns on them.
There was a green, furry rug at the end of the bed, with blue circle patterns and white sparks.
All the walls were painted grey, bar one. Dean couldn't take his eyes off it. It was a masterpiece. It was a mural, a blazing sunset in the background and two figures seated on the hood of the impala in the foreground. One had a lose leather jacket and had his arm around the other, wearing a trench coat, who's head rested on the firsts shoulder.
"Who the HELL painted this! It's beautiful"
Dot and Eileen raised their hands bashfully.
"I sketched." Dot grinned.
"I painted" Eileen smiled.
"You guys are amazing!" Cas said as he leapt at the two of them and hugged them fiercely.
"Did you all do this?" He said turning to Sam and Charlie.
"Yes. As soon as you left." Charlie said hurriedly, shifting on her toes.
Everyone received giant hugs and lots of 'thank you's before Charlie grabbed Cas and Dean's hands and whisked them away. They went down the hallway towards a spare bedroom.
"That wasn't all we did."She beamed as she pushed open the door.
Inside was an empty room, completely empty. Its walls were painted white and the floor was ripped up. The ledge that was in all the other rooms was gone, knocked down, and the back wall was smooth.
The room was giant. It was almost as if......
"Did you KNOCK A WALL DOWN!???"
"Yep" Charlie laughed, she seemed quite happy with herself.
The door to what would have been the next room was missing, which left a huge arch.
"This is going to be the playroom, for Jack mainly, but then we can keep it for the new baby aswell. And his bedroom."
"Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves" Dean laughed.
"We wanted to leave the colour choice to you two, and you can pick the wall paper, however the girls are going to do a mural on one if the shorted walls."
20 August 2017
"Pa-pa" Jack gurgled.
Dean came speeding around the corner and threw himself down net to Cas.
"Yes. Who is this" Cas coed down to Jack.
"Dada" he pointed at Dean.
"And him?" Dean pointed at Cas.
Jack laughed and yelled "Papa"
28 August 2017
"Mmhmm.... Yeah...... OH SHIT..... YES WE ARE ON THE WAY" Dot put the phone down and screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Tha baby?..."
Everyone filed into the Impala- apart from Sam and Eileen, who took a mustang from the gargae- and drove to the hospital.
Mel was in labour for 7 hours. Charlie and Dot didn't leave her for a minute. The others waited in the waiting rooms, now and again going in and out taking coffee and checking on everything.
When the baby was finally out, Mel let everyone in at the same time. The doctors advised against it, but she insisted as they were going to be the Babies family.
"All of you??" The doctor scowled.
"Well, we are the parents. But yes. We all live together, so she will see them as much as she see's us" Charlie said.
"All of you live together?"
"Yes. It's a VERY big home." Charlie responded, getting a little stressed.
The doctor pulled a face and went to leave but was blocked by Sam.
"You got a problem with that?" He glared.
"No- It's just--No its not my business to-" The doctor looked intimidated and stuttered his words.
"Your right. It isn't your business" Cas perked up.
"So keep your judgemental looks to yourself" Eileen crossed her arms.
"Yeah you should be you jerk. You'll ruin their big day" Mel snapped as he turned to leave. He shrivelled up and walked out.
"Kelly." Dot smiled.
Charlie welled up and smiled at her girlfriend. "Kelly" she nodded.
They both looked down at their sleeping baby and grinned proudly.

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