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After an exhausting day of training I headed back to my room for a good night's sleep, but that didn't go to plan, as I was woken very early next morning by a knock on my door.

"Agent 1, there's a meeting in the conference room in five minutes. Only some Agents were asked to come so keep it on the down low."
"Ok, thanks Tess I'll be there soon," I called.
I slowly rose from my bed and looked at the time through bleary eyes, 1:30 am. Damn it, I needed my sleep as I knew later on in the morning, training was going to be a killer.

When I entered the conference room it was silent except for the odd shuffling of feet. Nigel was standing in front of the monitor with a bunch of paperwork in his hand.

I slowly walked to my seat next to Lou and sat down. Just as I did, she yawned. It was one of those loud yawns, you know like three inward breaths and then a grunt like an animal as she exhaled. I giggled. She dug me in the ribs and frowned. I giggled some more, although I did keep it low and I shuffled my feet to hide the sound. Not successfully though, as Nigel turned his head and glared in our direction. Thankfully, there was no lecture; I suppose he thought the glare said it all.

He turned away and addressed the group.
"Ok ladies', today's meeting is important. We have a major issue. Now I want you to have a good look around this table. It is filled with my top agents from the 'Sharpening Group'".

We all looked around at each other.
The Sharpening Group was the name of the group of girl that I trained with. We were called this because we weren't ready to be put in the field yet, but we were working towards it - you know, like sharpening our skills.

Nigel continued. "One agent is missing from amongst you. As you might have noticed, agent 42, isn't here. She was on a secret assignment, and has been murdered by someone from within our team."
A combined gasp arose from our group - not only because Rebecca, or as Nigel liked to put it, agent 42, was dead, but also that she had been on a secret assignment. We had been told none of us were ready to go out into the field just yet.

Tess spoke up. "Agent 42 was here yesterday, how did she leave without us knowing, go on a mission and then get murdered in that short space of time?"
Nigel looked solemn. "This might come as a shock to you, but Agent 42 was on a mission here at camp. Sadly, one of the girls in this camp is a double agent and she was checking this out for me." All the girls looked around at each other.

"Now I've called you ten agents here because the traitor is skilled, guarded and more intelligent than I expected. The Agents in this room right now are the only ones I can trust at this point in time. I need you to find the traitor and when you do I want you to bring her to me, or if the need arises, then to kill her. Now, do you all understand your assignment, and how important this is for the protection of our organization?"

Everyone nodded in silence still stunned by the news that we had an intruder in the camp. I was shocked to hear Nigel order us to kill this traitor if we found her. None of us in the 'Sharpening Group' had ever killed anyone before.

I sneakily look around and no one else seems as shocked as I am. Because I am the youngest here, I do not want to say anything, as they will probably think I am immature. But hey, to go from shooting at targets to shooting a person is pretty frightening, especially when it is one of our own - well not exactly one of our own as she is a traitor, but it will be someone we know.

Nigel was studying us from his front position. I tried to behave as casually as the other girls were. You know, like getting the order to kill somebody was nothing.

Eventually, he spoke. "Looking around, I can see you are all okay with this." He then began handing out files and giving orders - "Here is the background information on all the agents: Agent 6 I need you to read through these and study them from top to bottom. Agent 8 you need to do the same with these." He was calling the agents numbers and handing them paperwork.

He keeps giving commands but all I can think of is that Rebecca is dead and from one of our own.

"Ok everyone, that's all for now. Go forth and start your first serious assignment into the world of espionage."

No one said a word, we just stood and headed towards the door.

"Agent 1 please remain here, I need to talk to you about your training routine."

I saw Lou almost run out the door. She obviously thought he was about to dish out more punishment for us being late.

The other agents filed out behind her. I stood there silently until they all left.

"So Nigel what did you want to talk to me about," I asked, once we were alone.

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