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My stupid alarm clock went off at 6:00 am the next morning because I had sprint training. After sprint training, Nigel called me back.

"How is the investigation going Agent 1?"
"Very good. We have found some evidence but we need more and I was wondering Nigel, do you have the body scans of the ten agents from our group?"
I knew he did, as when an agent is recruited they all get a body scan. This was where they stripped down to their underwear and sat under a scanner that photographed all their scars, moles, and any other marks on their bodies.

"Yes I do; they are on my desktop but I can't get them right now because I have another training program to run," Nigel replied
"I can go get them, Nigel. Conner will be with me."
He paused for a second and then gave me the key to his office. "Ok fine, just get straight in and straight out. Don't touch anything otherwise, I will find out. I have eyes everywhere Agent 1. The password of the computer is on the back and you should find the file you want if you just search up body scans at the top and click on 'sharpening group'. After your finished return my key immediately. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I replied

Once I got to my room, I opened the door and Conner was already there.
He walked over and handed me the picture of the birthmark on the traitor's upper arm.
"I took this photo after you went to bed last night. It's better than your drawing." He said with a cheeky grin. "I presume we're going to do something to find out who this mark belongs to," he asked.
"Yes, we are; we are heading to Nigel's office now to get the tapes of the body scans of the Agents." 

When we arrived at Nigel's office I flung my jacket on the back of his chair, turned on the computer, waited until it opened, then typed in the password. Conner sat on the couch. I attended to my business as quickly as I could. I did have a sneaky look around to see if Nigel had any cameras in action. That is what I figured he meant when he said he had eyes everywhere. I spotted two. One facing his desk and computer, and the other focused on his filing cabinet in the corner.

While I was at his desk I couldn't help looking at the camera every so often.
I copied the tapes I needed, closed down his computer and left the room.
I raced to the track to return the key to Nigel.
I then turned and hurried back to Connor.
When we almost reached my suite, I realised I had left behind my jacket.
"I'll get it for you," Connor offered.
"No, it's all right, we can go together. But you can go and ask Nigel for the key."

He came back to me with a sour look on his face. "My father gave me a mouthful about being more responsible about our belongings."
"Why do you think I sent you to get the key?"
When I saw the look he gave me, I laughed and took off for Nigel's office.

Connor chased me and caught me at the doorway to the building.
He grabbed my arm and spun me around. He had a weird look on his oh so handsome face.
"What?" I said, trying to catch my breath.
"You are..." He stopped talking.
"yeah?" I said feeling my face heat up from feeling his hand on my arm.
He lets me go. "Really fast, come on, let's get your jacket."
Wow really, 'fast', I was kind of expecting something else but no all I'm left with is 'fast'.

We enter Nigel's office and something on his desk caught my eye, it was a note. I leant over and read it.
It was a note thanking someone. I kept reading. Blah blah blah the words didn't really interest me, but I noticed it was signed by Nigel. The handwriting was so familiar, and I then realised.

"Oh wow, Conner get over here you have to see this."
Conner got up from the couch, walked over and picked up the note.
"Yeah so, what's wrong with that, it's just a thank you note from Dad to someone named Peter."
I then switched on Nigel's computer and brought up a photo of the threatening note that he said he received in his pigeonhole.

"Look at the handwriting they're the same. That means that this threatening note is from Nigel." I paused, confused while I tried to process this new information.
"He lied to us, why would he do that?" I waited to see what Conner had to say.
He looked just as puzzled as I did.
"Why would Dad do this?"
Conner kept talking but I had zoned out, I couldn't take my eyes off the note. I was in a state of disbelief and couldn't believe that the leader of this whole organisation was lying.
"ISABELLA," said Conner loudly trying to get my attention.

"Oh, uh sorry, were you saying something."
Conner waved the note in front of me.
"Yes, I was saying what are we going to do about this?"
"Honestly, I have no idea, but we have to talk to Nigel."
The door suddenly swung opened and Nigel walked in.

"Talk to me about what?"

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