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The next morning, I woke up .... happy. I put into my assignment book that I was working on the assignment all day so luckily I didn't have training.
I was on my computer looking at the scans again double checking each girl when there was a knock on my door. To my annoyance it was crystal. She was standing there with her arms folded, looking up-herself, as usual.

"Crystal, what are you doing here?"
"Oh you know just checking up on my friend," she said with sarcasm.
"Yeah, but we're not friends so goodbye." I went to shut the door but she put her foot in the opening and forced her way past me entering my room. I'm angry that she didn't get the whole I don't wanna chat from the lack of emotion I showed.

She shrugged ignoring my remark. "I was curious as to why you weren't at training? I mean really Agent 1; you do need all the extra practice before our fight tomorrow."
Ugh with all this Assignment work and all the stuff going on with Conner, I totally forgot my upcoming match against Crystal. Each agent has to do one a month.
"I don't need the training to beat you, Crystal. I mean, I have what you don't - natural talent."
She scoffed as I said this and then walked over to my desk pushing at my notepapers in a jealous manner.
"When I asked Nigel where you were, he said you were working on an assignment."

She sneered. "I wonder if he knows you were actually hanging out with your boy toy." I stiffened as I heard this, wondering how she knew.
"What are you talking about Crystal? Conner is helping with the assignment."
"Aw don't act dumb with me. I saw you both locking lips late last night. Conner, hmm, I wonder what Nigel would think about that? His golden child making out with his son, ooh he wouldn't be too happy would he?" She said this with power in her voice because she knew she had me by the tail and this really pissed me off.

"Well, I'm presuming you want something Crystal since you're here right now telling me this and not Nigel."
"Spot on, Golden child is right once again. Yes, I do want something; I want you to lose the fight against me tomorrow."
"So you're pretty much telling me that you know you're going to lose so instead you're blackmailing me to lose."
She sneered as soon as I said this and screwed up her face.

"I know I will beat you, but I just want to make certain. For some reason that no one understands, Nigel favours you and thinks you're the best agent. I simply want to show him who the best truly is."
We stood there in silence for a few seconds as I tried to find a way to worm myself out of this situation.

Ugh, I couldn't think of anything and honestly losing the fight seemed a better option than Nigel finding out about Conner and me.
"Ok fine I'll let you win," I said reluctantly.
She walked up to me and patted my head condescendingly
"Aw, that's a good girl." She smirked then turned around and left, slamming the door behind her.

Honestly, I was so over Crystal, she was such a cow blackmailing me like that ugh. After I got my anger out by walking around talking to myself about what a creep she was, I went back to looking at the scans.
As I straightened the paperwork that Crystal had pushed around, I noticed my house key was gone from my desk. I mean I was pretty angry when walking around so I thought maybe I knocked It onto the floor. I looked under my desk but it wasn't there.

The bell rang for lunch and I was starving, so I gave up looking, grabbed my spare key and raced to the cafeteria.

After lunch, as I went around the corner on the way back to my room, someone grabbed me from behind and covered my eyes. I quickly grabbed the hand away from my eyes and twisted it at the same time as I bent my knee and kicked back into their groin with enough force to make them let go. I heard a loud groan just before I looked around to see who it was.

It was Connor, bent over, with his hands on his groin area.
"CONNER! Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't realise it was you I thought it was an intruder, I am so sorry"

I felt awful. I knew his 'man spot' would hurt for quite a while as my heel had got him dead centre.
He groaned then looked up at me.
"Note to self - she really doesn't like surprises." After Conner said this, he stood up trying to look tough, but his red face and watery eyes gave him away.
"Are you ok, again I am so sorry."
"Oh yeah I'm great it didn't even hurt." I stood there awkwardly as I saw Conner focusing on his breathing, still holding his crotch and with the hand I had twisted under his arm trying to get some relief.

I took his hand from under his arm and massaged it for him. I would leave him to look after his 'man spot'. I tried not to giggle at that thought, but it came out anyway.
He looked at me with a frown on his face. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing. Sorry," I said again. I seemed to be all apologies today.

After a few more moments of awkward silence while he recovered he then spoke. "Anyway, I'm here because I wanted to say I had a great time yesterday and I wanted to take you out of the Academy for lunch for a second time if that's ok with you."
"Like a date?"
"Yes like a date," he replied.
"I would love to go on a date with you," I answered. I then felt my face redden a bit but I didn't care I was so excited.

"Ok good you just have to promise me that at the end of the date I will still be in one piece and all my limbs will still be intact." After he said this he grinned at me.
"I promise."
"Good, then let's go."

We started walking to his car when all of a sudden he stopped.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"No, it's just that I was going to hold your hand, but then I remembered what happened last time I touched you when you weren't expecting it and thought it would be best to ask first." I laughed as he said this, although he has a fair point.

"No, if you held my hand I would like it. At least when we are out of sight of the others prying eyes."
As we rounded the corner, he then reached for my hand and we walked like that to the car.

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