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Conner and I looked at each other nervously. We didn't know what to say. I don't think we wanted to challenge him as we were not prepared to hear the answer.

"Why are you both standing there awkwardly? I asked you a question, now answer me!" he demanded.
"What do you have to talk to me about?" His expression was cold.

"Um, I saw a note on your desk," I said this nervously as I didn't know how he would respond.
Conner held the note up and Nigel walked over and snatched it from his hand.

"I don't get what the big deal is, and why you need to talk to me about it. It's just a thank you note. It's a respectful gesture to thank someone after they do something for you."

"Don't be condescending Dad, it's the handwriting that's the big deal as it's the same writing on the so-called threatening note you said you received from the intruder."


"Actually Dad I think I have a right to question you. We are working on this assignment for you - and you have lied to us." Conner's voice was now raised as well.
To say that it is an awkward situation is an understatement. They are both standing there giving each other killer glares and I didn't want to be involved in the father and son fight, so I just stood there silently.

"So you want the truth?" Nigel snapped.
"Yes, I did write that note because I knew you were just an immature boy who would not take this assignment seriously. I knew it was too much for one agent to handle, but I couldn't trust the other agents, so against my best judgement I had to ask my unreliable, unskilful son to assist Agent 1. You asked for the truth and there it is."

After Nigel said this, I looked over at Conner. The colour had drained from his face and there was just a look of pain and hurt.

"Number one Dad right here," Conner said as he walked out of the room. I just stood there not knowing what to do.
"Is there something you want to add Agent 1?" Nigel asked sternly.
"No Nigel I think you said it all." I then left the room and went looking for Conner

I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him. He must have felt devastated when his own dad said those awful things to him.
The bell rang for lunch but I wasn't hungry. I felt angry for Conner and decided to go to the gym and get rid of my anger by doing some boxing. I didn't understand why I was so angry. Just seeing how upset Conner was when his father humiliated him, affected me more than I realised.

The other agents and I were used to Nigel's rants, but just seeing how hurt conner was after he said it, I don't know it just got to me.

When I arrived at the gym I heard someone working out, which was weird because no one came here at lunchtime. As I entered, I saw Conner beating the hell out of a boxing bag. I could tell he'd been doing it for a while because he was sweating.
I walked closer to him and spoke loudly so he would hear me.

"Well, I would hate to be that poor boxing bag."
He looked around. "What are you doing here," he said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I just thought I would do some boxing and get in some extra training. But now that I found you here, maybe we could practice. What do you say, want to hit something that can hit back?"

He stopped hitting the crap out of the bag and grinned a little as I said this.
"You're joking, right? I'm not going to fight you."
"Why not, you scared? I guess if I did win I would never let you live it down."

When I said that he walked closer to me and his body was inches away from mine.
"I wouldn't want to hurt you." He said this smugly, with a big grin on his face.
"You hurt me? Righto cowboy, let's see who's the one who'll be limping away. Or you know we could just get heaps emotional and talk about what happened back there with Nigel. Up to you."

I pulled on my boxing gloves and entered the ring. I stood there in a cocky manner smirking.
He looked like he was considering his options. Then he grinned and joined me in the ring.
"Right, we'll fight if that's what you want. But expect me to say I told you so when you're on the floor and I'm standing victoriously above you."
After Conner said this he grinned at me. That stupid little smile of his still gave me butterflies.

"It's funny, Conner, all I seem to be hearing from you right now, is a whole lot of talk but no walk."
We circled around the ring for a bit then I made the first move and went for a punch, which he easily dodged. He then returned one, which I dodged. I don't think he was taking this seriously, so I punched him hard in his stomach which made him double over, I then followed this with a slide kick which caused him to fall.

I stood above him boasting. "And the crowd goes wild as the beast is finally defeated by the brave knight, and may I just add a female one!"
Ok, I might have enjoyed the win a little too soon because he kicked out at my feet causing me to topple onto him. Our faces were inches away from each other and I was just looking into his ocean blue eyes. Millions of butterflies were fluttering in my stomach.

He pinned me to the floor and I surrendered as I thought he was going to kiss me. I waited eagerly for the kiss, but it never came. He leant towards my ear and whispered, "I told you so." He then jumped to his feet and exited the ring.

I laid there gobsmacked, and rather embarrassed. Wow, I really misread that situation.
As I got to my feet, I noticed Connor putting his gloves away. I think he was talking to me, but I hadn't heard a word.
"So Isabella did you hear what I said."
"Uh, no, sorry, my mind was distracted, what did you say?"

"I said, tomorrow we should go to my place and look at the body scans because my dad's got a massive TV and I can sink it with my laptop to get a better view of the scans. Also, my dad won't be there, so peace and quiet."

Nigel's house? You mean, outside of the Agency?" I asked.
"Yes, why is there a problem with that?"
"Well it's just, I um, have never been outside the agency." He looked surprised.
"Wait, so you're telling me that in your whole life you've never left this place?"
"I haven't had an assignment outside yet."
"Then this will be an experience for you. You'll be fine, I'll pick you up tomorrow around 11 am and we'll have the whole day to investigate." He replied.
"Ok I'll put it in my assignment book then, so Nigel knows."

Each agent had an assignment book on their laptops so that when we were working on assignments we would record it and Nigel would know we weren't going to be at training.

"Ok, see you tomorrow, Isabella."
"Yep see you tomorrow Conner." He then turned around and walked away.

As I watched him walk away I felt a tinge of sadness because I realised I had feelings for him and he obviously didn't feel the same way. I pushed these thoughts aside. Just aside, I didn't want to get rid of them entirely because I liked the feeling of lust. I had never had that before. Okay, it might be just one-sided, but even that felt good.
But enough of that right now I need to concentrate on the assignment as the whole agency depends on it.

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