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​I needed to get out of here and find him. I ran to the track, grabbed one of the bikes, and rode out of the academy. I had no idea where I was going or how I would find him, I just kept riding as fast as I could.

​Twenty minutes later I saw a sign saying Turumbarer beach. My subconscious must have steered me here knowing it was where Connor and I loved being. I ditched the bike on the path and walked down onto the sand. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye – it was a tent set up on the beach and a guy sitting beside a campfire. I slowly walked towards it. As I got closer, I realised it was Conner. He must of head my footsteps because he turned his head, but once he saw it was me he turned away.

​I walked up and lowered myself onto the rug beside him. We sat there quietly for a few seconds until I finally had the nerve to speak.
​"Connor, I am so sorry for what I said, you didn't deserve that. It wasn't your fault. I guess I didn't want to blame myself for Crystal's death so instead, I blamed you."
He didn't look at me and he didn't answer.
​"Connor, I know you probably won't forgive me but I just wanted you to hear my words and know that I didn't mean what I said."
I waited a few seconds for him to say something. He didn't, and the longer the silence continued the more my heart tore apart. After I realised he wasn't going to speak I stood up and started walking away.

I stopped and turned around as I heard him speak.
"I really was angry with you, but there is something special about you, and I just can't stay angry. I mean look where I am. I'm at our beach sulking because you broke up with me." he stood up and walked over to me.
​"I am not this type of guy. I do not sulk; I'm the type of guy who doesn't get affected by this emotional stuff but when you broke up with me..."
​Our faces were now inches away from each other and goosebumps were forming on my skin.
​"Well, it nearly broke me."

​He leant in, cupped my face in his hands and we kissed. Then we wrapped our arms around each other and kissed again - a romantic, lingering, memorable kiss. When we pulled apart, we both had huge smiles on our faces. I reached up and ran my fingers down his face. He really was so handsome, I even loved those cute little freckles on his nose.
​"Oh my god blemishes," I said, just remembering about the scans.

"Thanks a lot, just what a guy likes to hear when the girl they like is running their fingers across your face. Blemishes! Where did that come from?"
​"Oh no, I wasn't meaning you." I grinned. Actually, I couldn't get the grin off my face.
​"Um, I forgot to tell you something important. I realised that the intruder blurred out all the blemishes on every agent from the Sharpening Group. Connor, that means any one of them could still be the intruder."
​"Seriously, how would the intruder be able to get a hold of the files?" Conner asked.
​"She must have gone into Nigel's office and gotten to the files before us," I said.
​"Ok, so we should go to Dad and get the tapes from the camera that's out the front of his office.
​"Ok. Let's go and put down your sad temporary home and go straight to Nigel." I said, walking over to Conner's tent.

We dismantled the tent and all the bits and pieces and packed them into the boot of Connor's car.
​"Looks like we have no room for the bike, so you will have to ride back to the academy."
​"Oh, ok," I said, but I was disappointed as I didn't want to leave his company.
​"I'm only kidding, I can squeeze it in."
​I hit out at him for teasing, but he caught my hand and pulled me to him. We kissed again.

​When we arrived back at the Academy, we went straight to Nigel's office and retrieved the tapes. We then headed back to my room to watch them. After a couple of hours, Conner let out a ginormous yawn.
​"I forgot you have been sleeping on the beach for the past week. You should go home and sleep and I'll finish watching these."
​"Are you sure?" He replied, struggling to keep his eyes open.
​"Yes I'm sure, go. You're not good company when you're like this, anyway." I said jokingly.
​"Ok, ok, I'm going." And with that Conner got up and left.

​I was watching the tapes when she finally appeared in one, it was her, the intruder. I knew it from the birthmark on her upper arm. She was wearing a black cap covering her face and she was picking the lock to Nigel's office. I zoomed in on her face and couldn't see it very well, but after she finished picking the lock she stuffed up and looked around to see if anyone was coming, giving me a clear look at her face and ...... IT WAS SARAH!

Sarah the girl who had been one of Crystals lost puppies, who like Julie, followed her everywhere. I was ninety per cent sure Sarah was the one who had removed everyone's blemishes, but this wasn't enough to prove she killed Rebecca or Crystal so there was only one thing I could do. I had to talk to her.

​I was going to leave a note for Nigel, telling him of my findings, but I decided to make sure first. I mean, she could have only been removing something on her body that she was embarrassed about, just as Crystal had.

​It was late, but I made my way up to Sarah's room with my knife in my pocket, just in case. I knew her room number. I knocked on her door. She opened the door and looked a little surprised to see me, but she still welcomed me inside.

Love filled with Lies Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin