NoBoDy CaReS, yEt YoU CaRe

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You always tried to deal with your problems by yourself. I know you thought that nobody cared about you, but I did. I cared about you more than I did about myself...

 I cared about you more than I did about myself

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[trigger warning, violent themes ahead]


''I told you, I could have handled this myself'' Taehyung said between his sobs.

''Cause that would have worked perfectly'' Jimin angrily answered, shivering from the pain.

''If you weren't that stubborn trying to play the hero all the time, we would never be in the situation we are right now'' Taehyung claimed and wiped the blood from Jimin's nose.

''You should learn how to appreciate people who care about you Taehyung''.

''I never had anyone to care about me. And if you think that I like people who care about me return to their apartments full of blood and bruises then you are mistaken. I wanted you safe''.

''We should go to the police''.

''Jimin, we can't do that!''.

''Why not?''.

''I will be caught as well. Call me sellfish if you want, but don't denounce them to the police. Most of them are good people''.

''Good people? They were exploiting you in there!'' Jimin angrily hissed, biting his bottom lip, that was constantly dripping blood.

''Jhope is just a waiter, Jungkook has never indulged into ''Lotus''  temptations. They never harmed anyone. And should I remind you that we have signed a contract? We gave them our consent''.

''From your words Taehyung, I understand that you want to return back there. Who knows what could have happened if I didn't interfere''.

''Thank you for saving me, honestly. But, did you have to drag Yoongi into this?''.

''Taehuyng, he was already there! And clearly you still don't trust me...''.

''You were the one that didn't want me to know his name in the beginning''.

''Stop hiding things from me godamn it! Can't you see how much I care about you? I am trying to help you. I know you are used to dealing with your issues alone, but I am here with you now...''.

three hours earlier

''Jimin, what is going on with your life? How many shifts are you going to lose?''.

''I am sorry boss. Things are really complicated now. I promise I won't stop until I repay you sir''.

''I am reducing your salary, you know that right?''.

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