Chapter 2

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The crystal leaves tinkled and swayed in the wind while the stream trickled softly up the hill as the doctor and Rose slowly made their way back to the TARDIS. The air was filled with the light smell of lemons from the grass beneath their feet and the two suns shone brightly above their heads.

The two time travellers entered their ship in comfortable silence and closed the doors behind them. Rose moved over to sit on a jump seat and continued licking at her strawberry ice lolly as the doctor danced around the control panel, flicking leavers until he turned with a grin on his face, to his pink and yellow human.


"Allons -y" Rose confirmed, holding  on tight to the seat next to her as their ship plunged them through the time vortex and onto their next amazing planet.

"Hold on." Rose began, melting the last of her lolly in her mouth before shoving the stick in her back pocket, "where have I just agreed to go!"

The doctor looked over at her with a ridiculous grin, "Barcelona"

The corner of Rose's mouth turned up slightly into a smirk before breaking out in a huge smile, accompanied by a small chuckle. She had completely forgotten about their plans to go to Barcelona, other alien encounters and distress calls had sort of gotten in the way.

A few seconds later, the TARDIS came to a shuddering halt and with a low boom, Rose knew they had landed.
"Barcelona?" She asked.
The blonde ran excitedly up to the doors, pushing them open and only stopping once she was a good few feet away from the TARDIS.

Her heart sunk at the sight of her surroundings. The graffitied walls, the low background noise of sirens and car alarms, the small piles of rubbish in corners; she wasn't in Barcelona, she was home.

She whipped her head around to face the doctor who was just stepping out of the ship. She watched as his face turned from a smile to a small frown and then scrunched up in disgust.
"Why are we here?" Rose demanded, shocking herself at the harshness of her own voice.

"I don't know Rose, I don't know. It's like she's scared, trying to warn us. Or maybe she's just hungry you never can tell with these things," the doctor replied, pressing his ear to the side of his ship and stroking it a bit.

"Um ok- I'll just... leave you two alone.." Rose trailed off as she warily made her way closer to the TARDIS, keeping an eye on the doctor at all times. When she reached the ship however, she was just about to step in when the doors shut violently and nearly trapped her fingers in the hinges.
"Woah ok. Not going inside then." She muttered.
Rose turned back to walk away but jumped when she saw the doctor stood directly behind her.
"Strange. Very strange. The TARDIS has never done this before." He said, pulling a key out of his pocket and trying the lock with no avail, "it's like she wants us to be here. But why?"

The pair fell silent for a few seconds before Rose piped up again, "can sentient ships get ill?" She asked.

"Well, theoretically.... yeah, maybe she's just feeling a bit under the weather..." the Time lord pondered out loud.

"Maybe we should look around or something? Don't know how long we're going to be here so we might as well find something to do." Rose suggested.
The doctor agreed silently and stepped backwards away from the TARDIS before turning round and walking normally next to Rose.
They were just rounding the corner at the end of the small dark alleyway they had parked in when the doctor stopped dead in his tracks.

Just ahead of them was none other than Jackie Tyler. Her hands full of shopping as she hobbled down the street. Just then, she looked up and spotted the pair at the end of the alley. A large grin beamed from her face at the sight of her daughter, but it faltered as she flicked her eyes across to the alien.

The doctor retreated slowly back into the shadows until he was sure Jackie couldn't see him, then turned and sprinted full pelt back towards the TARDIS.

"Ok, defiantly sick. The TARDIS is defiantly sick. She's obviously out of her mind bringing me here. Oh god please let me in, please just this once." He doctor whined, trying as hard as he could to shove the key into the lock and rattling the doors.

"What time do you call this?"

The sudden exclamation broke the doctor from his panic and he turned around to see a not so pleased Jackie Tyler stood a few feet away. Her arms were crossed and she had a slight scowl on her face.

"Uh... 3 o'clock?" The time lord replied looking at his watch and hoping that the correct answer really was that simple.

"See you tomorrow Rose said. See you tomorrow! How many tomorrows has it been huh? HOW MANY?" Jackie shouted

"Umm... three?" The doctor answered warily. He found it hard to keep track of the days when he was time travelling let alone time travelling with his pink and yellow human, but he thought back and could only ever remember Rose going to bed three times.

"THREE DAYS!! you think you've been gone three days! Well alien boy, you've got another think coming. 5 months you've been gone. 5 months!" Jackie raged at the doctor before turning to her daughter, "and don't think you've gotten away with it either miss. Not one phone call I've had. Not one!"

"Hey, it wasn't her fault." The doctor jumped in, "I probably just landed the TARDIS in slightly the wrong time zone that's all. It's only been three days for us."
As much as he was terrified of Jackie and hated being shouted at by her, he couldn't just stand and watch the blonde take it out on Rose. That wasn't fair.

Once Jackie had calmed down and everyone's apology was accepted, the doctor reluctantly agreed to go back to their flat on the Powel estate for a catch-up.
The time lord dutifully sat on Jackie's couch for an hour while the two blondes gossiped about new relationships and who had just been sacked. There were many times throughout the hour when his mind wandered off and he found himself thinking about the state of his ship. He sure as hell hoped the TARDIS had finished having a strop after this because there was no way he was staying here any longer.

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