Chapter 8

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It wasn't long before they reached their ship and Rose walked in after the time lord, turning briefly to close the doors behind her. She was shocked when she turned back to see the doctor, not up dancing around the controls like usual but sat in one of the jump seats.

"You alright?" She asked, wandering over and perching down next to him.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine me. I'm- fine.. always fine." The doctor replied, his eyes glazed over slightly and his voice deep. There was a small part of Rose that knew he was lying. She watched from the edge of her seat as he sighed and sat back in the chair, staring at a point somewhere at the other side of the TARDIS.
Rose didn't know why but she acted on instinct then, sitting back in her own chair and resting her head on the time lords shoulder. She felt him tense up a little and turn his head to look down at her but she didn't move, hoping that if she stayed still he would allow her to stay there.

"Two impossible things happened today." The doctor began, his voice was quiet and didn't need a response, only someone to listen, "Well I say impossible, nothing's impossible only improbable. Two improbable things happened today: one- we met Sherlock Holmes, two- the angels are back."
Rose continued to sit in silence, her pulse accelerating at how long she had been able to sit like this without him jumping up from beneath her like he usually did whenever they go too close for more than a few seconds. She tried to focus on the doctors words rather than the smell radiating from his coat but it was hard, she really liked that smell.

"It's the angels. I know it's the angels, taking those people and flooding the area with time energy but he's not gonna believe that!"
The doctor continued talking to himself, verbalising all his thoughts so he could order and remember them all. At some point he became aware that his hand seemed to be resting on the top of Rose's head and he picked out a small clump of her beautiful, soft, blonde hair and twirled it in his fingers as he thought, "how do you convince the greatest mastermind on the planet that it's an alien race? I mean, he uses solid, hardcore facts and figures to reach his conclusions. How on Earth are we gonna tell him that the angles are taking the people?"
The time lord continued to think and hypothesise for quite some time, all the while absentmindedly fiddling with his companions hair and stroking her head every now and again.
Eventually he reached the answer, "I've got it! Rose I've got it!" He cried, looking down at the blonde, but she didn't respond. He sat still for a bit, listening to her shallow breathing and steady heart rate.
He smiled, 'ah the old human race. Wasting half of their life asleep' he thought.

Looking down at the top of Rose's head one last time, he dropped the lock of hair and slowly extracted himself from underneath her. He laid her head down on his seat and curled up her legs so that she was lead fully over both chairs. He smiled at her sleeping form and for a minute he had the slight urge to kiss her forehead, but he shook the feeling off and walked over to the controls. They weren't ready for that yet.
He often wondered wether he worked her too hard, taking her on all these adventures, he almost never gave her time to sleep.

The doctor left Rose on the seats as he got to work on his TARDIS, he'd need to make a few improvements if he wanted his plan to work, which he did.
After a good few hours of sawing and drilling and poking and scratching, pressing and testing and blowing things up, he'd finally finished and stepped back to view his master piece. It looked exactly the same, as though he'd never done anything. He'd concealed all his upgrades and hadn't changed a thing of its looks. After all, he liked this TARDIS design.

He was just about to retreat back to his on board workshop for the night when he noticed Rose still lead across the sets. Sighing and smiling a bit, he walked over and scooped her limp form up bridal style, resting her head on his chest as he carried her through the TARDIS.
After a few minuets he managed to find her room and he placed her gently under her covers, removing her shoes and jacket before tucking the duvet up to her chin and removing himself from the room before he did anything stupid or that he regretted in the morning.

Five minutes later and the time lord was stood in his workshop, surrounded by tools and handmade contraptions. The lights were dimmed and there was slight orange-y hue to the room. He loved it in here.
The doctor shrugged off his long brown coat and chucked it down onto a nearby chair, rolled up his sleeves and set to work. He needed some sort of wibbly contraption that would sniff out the time-y things.
He thought for a bit, rubbing his chin slightly as he looked around at the various bits and bobs lying on his workbench and covering the rest of the cluttered room. He glanced off to the side when something caught his eye. He pounced on it like a cat and as soon as he held it in his hands a brilliantly perfect, absolutely flawless plan popped into his mind.

Placing the whisk down on his bench, he grabbed some other tools from around the room and set to work, banging, clashing, welding, heating, gluing, fixing, twirling, thinking, screwing, sonic-ing and bending until he held in his hands, the perfect devise.

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