Chapter 10

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It was morning by the time the doctor had finished in his workshop and just as he held up his finished device, a ray of artificial sunlight streamed through the artificial window which made the metal look like it was glowing in his hands. He smiled to himself, congratulating his brain on coming up with something so brilliant.
He was however, very quickly snapped back to reality by a cough from the door. He turned his head to see Rose stood in the open doorway of his workshop. She was already dressed in black trousers and her leather jacket and looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"Do you wanna be alone with that thing." She humoured.
The doctor stood staring at her for a few seconds with a confused look before he suddenly caught on and blushed deeply,

"Oh no I- I was just um..."

Rose laughed at his struggle and wandered into the room to come and stand next to him."What is it?" She asked, taking it into her own hands and turning it over a few times.

"It's my angel detector. It tracks time energy and signals when there's an angel nearby." He explained.

"Signal? How does it signal?"

The doctor smirked and pulled open a draw of his desk. Reaching in and rummaging around, he pulled out a lump of grey rock and held it in his hands. "Piece of an angel." He said once he'd noticed Rose's confused expression, "completely harmless but still carried traces of energy. I keep it for testing."
With that, he held the rock in one hand and used his other to switch a lever on the side of his devise that was still being clutched in Rose's hands. All of a sudden the small machine made a clucking noise just like a chicken as all the little instruments fixed onto the detector pointed themselves at the rock.

"You made an angel detector.... that clucks like a chicken?!" Rose exclaimed.

The doctor grinned widely like a child who had just gotten out of trouble and snatched his detector back and put it in his pocket as he slammed the rock away in his draw. He grabbed Rose's hand and dragged her towards the control room, out the doors and onto the street. It was still pretty chilly outside and Rose pulled her jacket closer around her chest as they walked.

"Oh, hold on." Rose suddenly stopped walking and plunged her hands into her pockets to bring out her phone, "I got a message this morning. What do you think?" The blonde held out her phone so that the doctor could read the message.

Meet us at St.Barts morgue

"Well come on then Rose Tyler, Sherlock Holmes awaits."


They decided to skip the walking and took the TARDIS instead. The ship whined and groaned as they landed and the doctor threw a grin over his shoulder as he pulled open the doors and stepped out. All of a sudden there was an almighty crash and an "ow" from the time lord. Rose stuck her head out the door and burst into a fit of giggles at the sight before her.
They had landed in a store cupboard (again) and as soon as the time lord had stepped out, a large broom and a pile of heavy looking books had fallen on top of him, and he was now stood rubbing his head and glaring down accusingly at the said broom, almost as if he was expecting it to squirm and apologise under his gaze.

Rose's laughter quickly snapped him out of his daze and with an embarrassed flush, he stepped out of the room.
They walked together through the hospital, following the signs over head to the morgue.

It wasn't long before they came across a set of large, white, double doors and together they pushed through.

"How long did you say they'd been here?" They heard Sherlock ask as they stepped in through the doors and let them swing closed behind them.

"We've had one a day for the last 5 days." The girl replied. Rose watched her carefully as she unzipped the body bags. Her hair was long and smooth and had a mousy brown colour. Her eyes were a deep brown too, not too dissimilar to her own, but the girls figure was what stood out to Rose the most. She was skinny but didn't look unhealthy whereas Rose seemed to be carrying a little extra. She was curvy but short which suited her well, better than it did Rose anyway.

The doctor and Rose stepped closer to Sherlock and John, leading them closer also to the 5 now open body bags. Rose gagged.
She took a step back as the nausea swam round her head and she put her hand lightly against her mouth.
The other girl, the prettier girl, smirked at Rose's reaction before turning to the doctor.

"And who are you?" She asked.

"The doctor. That's me. Good to meet you- Molly Hooper."

Molly's face faltered at the same time as Rose's.
"H-how did you know my name?" She stuttered, throwing an almost scared look at Sherlock.

"Name tag." The doctor said simply, giving her a wink before turning round to Sherlock, "what have you got?"

The detective seemed to pause for a second before coming to a mental conclusion and opening his mouth, "Bodies. At first glance that's the five missing people." He announced, "cause of death?" He directed at Molly.

"All of them exactly the same. No visible signs of a struggle, no external bruising or marks." She listed as she walked round the bodies, "They're all perfectly normal, healthy people. Just- with their necks snapped."

Rose swallowed thickly and unconsciously rubbed the back of her neck before standing up and coming to a stop by the doctors side. He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze, reassuring her.
They stood next to each other and watched as Sherlock flicked his coat tail back and started examining the bodies.

He bent down close to them, closer than Rose would ever dream of going, and pulled out a small magnifying glass. He worked his way around each of the 5 bodies before coming to a stop and snapping closed his magnifying glass.

"So, do you know what did it?" The doctor asked, rocking backwards in his heals a bit.

Sherlock glanced at the doctor and Rose could have sworn he scowled a bit before he quickly spun around and grabbed a small sampling dish.

"Molly, I'm going to need you to run a test. I want a list of everything they've consumed as far back as you can go. Some samples from the mouth and throat should do it." Sherlock ordered as he started making his way towards the doors.

"Why can't you do it?" John scoffed, "You know everything under the sun, surely you can run a little test by yourself?!"

"Oh come on! No one really knows everything under the sun." The doctor chipped in, gaining a Look from John that just said, well-you'll-be-surprised.

"I'm busy. I've got a case." Sherlock shouted in reply, his voice echoing as he pushed open the doors and stalked down the corridors and away from the lab.

The four remaining people in the room watched the doors swing until they were still, then glanced between themselves.
Thankfully, after only a few seconds of awkward silence, Sherlock burst straight back into the room.

"What did you say?" He questioned, pointing at the time lord as he walked up to him.

"No one really knows everything under the sun" the doctor repeated.

"No no no, before that. What did you say? What were your exact words?" The detective pressed.

"So. Do you know what did it?" The doctor said again.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at the time lord and for a few seconds, a staring contest ensued but before long, the detective spoke again:
"What. You said 'what did it?'. You know don't you?"

The alien grinned and dropped Rose's hand, stepping closer to the bodies. He glanced down at the pale grey skin of the closest man with sorrow in his eyes before looking back up and between Sherlock, John and Molly.

"Yes, I know how this happened and I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, but it's going to go above your human understanding."
As he finished, the time lord moved to the other end of the body, using a second zip to open up the area by the dead mans feet. Everyone in the room except the doctor gasped at what he revealed. On the ankle of every single one of the bodies, was an identical mark. A tiny child's handprint, pressed into their skin.

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