Chapter 17

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The four were back in the TARDIS in no time at all. Both Sherlock and John looked noticeably more comfortable in the multidimensional space ship, both perched on the jump seats as the doctor and Rose lent up against the circular controls.

"So we've found the angel that killed them?"
Rose spoke up.

The boys nodded in agreement.
"And we've located all the supposedly missing people?"
She was again answered with 3 silent nodds.

"So what's with the handprints then?"

"Rose, the handprint was from that baby angel statue we found, it killed the 5 people and made the handprint." The time lord frowned, not quite sure what Rose wasn't understanding.

" Yeah I know that! But why?"

The doctor continued to frown for a few more seconds and took in a breath as though he were about to answer, but snapped his mouth shut quickly as his eyes lit up.

"Oh Rose Tyler! My wonderful Rose Tyler!" He exclaimed, finally catching on to her thought process. He wrapped his arms under her bum and picked her up, spinning her round and round, he set her back on the floor and beamed, "oh Rose Tyler, I could kiss you!"

Rose's eyes widened and her breath hitched softly in the back of her throat. It seemed like the time lord had just realised what he had said and looked down at her, the atmosphere becoming slightly more awkward. Rose could have sworn she saw his eyes ficker down to her lips, just for a second, before he back tracked, ringing his hands and stumbling back to the controls.

"Right, those handprints..." He started, rambling on and thinking out loud like usual while Rose too took a step back and fiddled with her hair. Neither the human nor The time lord caught the smirks on both John and Sherlock's faces.

The doctor continued to ramble for a while, before John's curiosity kicked in, "What are you thinking then?" He asked, not yet skilled enough in the art of unpicking the doctor's rambling.

"Well," the doctor began, "If the angels- 'aim', if you like- was to kill people like they did with our 5 victims, they wouldn't have needed to make the handprint on their legs. Therefore, I'm wondering wether they didn't intend to kill them."

The doctor paused and looked round the room but was met with 3 perplexed looks so he continued.
"The angels came here hoping to send as many people back in time as possible, so they could feed. So naturally, they touch them- but nothing happens. Their entire species purpose is to be assassins so they kill them insted."

The three faces looking back at him didn't look so confused now and he smiled internly to himself, congratulating himself for being able to explain it in terms they would understand.

"So the obvious question is, why cant the angles send the people back?" Sherlock asked.

"Exactly!" The time lord replied, clapping his hands together, "and with a little bit of faith, trust and pixi dust, I'm hoping the TARDIS will be able to work it out."

Rose smiled and rolled her eyes at the doctor's reference to the film they had watched a few nights before this began, and joined the alien and detective with John around the TARDIS console.

With a flourish, the doctor pushed a seemingly random sequence of buttons and all of a sudden, the screen of the TARDIS showed an instantly recognisable and apparently universal buffering sign.

"Give her some time." The doctor murmerred, "She's getting on a bit, not as quick as she used to be."

There was a particularly shrill beep from the console, almost sounding offended before the screen popped up a display Rose recognised as the one that had counted all the angels in London previously.
The blonde flicked her eyes to look at the 'angel count'. Where as before it had been at just over 300 angels, it was now at over 500.

"They just don't stop do they!" The doctor exclaimed incredulously, his eyebrows rising higher along with the angel count.

Suddenly, the TARDIS screen flickered and the numbers faltered as they continued to increase, almost as though the TARDIS was struggling to count that high. (Although the doctor knew the ship could count to numbers so high they didn't even have an English translation.)

Rose turned her head to face the doctor, about to ask something when she was silenced by the sudden look on his face. He'd definitely just had a light bulb moment!

"OH!" He exclaimed, "oh, oh, OH!" His hands moved girkily as he lifted them up to run through his hair.
"Oh that's... That's..."

"Had an idea have we doctor?!" Rose grinned.

"Oh only the best Dame Rose." He grinned back, "only the best!"

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