Chapter 12

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"AAHHHHH!" Rose screamed and jumped out her skin as the doctor quickly took hold of her shoulders and shouted in her ear. She whipped around to face the time lord and placed a hand over her racing heart, "flippin' hell, don't do that!"

The alien was in hysterics, his face red and strained from the lack of breathing he was able to accomplish through his laughter, "You nearly.... hit... the ceiling!" He gasped through his giggles.

"Yeah well, I might just be hitting you if you do that again." Rose chided, still breathing deeply.

Once the time lord had calmed down a little, he walked next to Rose and followed her through the TARDIS.
"What are you doing up this early anyway?" He asked, glancing over her messy bun, fluffy onesie and slippers.

"Couldn't sleep that's all." She replied simply, turning the corner and heading into the Kitchen.

The doctor glanced at his watch, "Rose it's 5 in the morning, this is no time for breakfast!"

Rose just raised her eyebrow back in a look that read 'try-and-stop-me' and pushed down the lever on the toaster with her tongue in her cheek.
The time lord watched in silence as she prepared her toast and sat down to eat.

"Are you just gonna stand and watch me eat or are you actually gonna come down and talk to me?" Rose asked sarcastically, gaining a smirk from the doctor who promptly came and sat opposite her at the table.

"Seeing as you're up so early, can you help me with a little problem I've got." The doctor asked. He spoke with a low voice and leaning into the table as though he were trying to keep their conversation private from the already empty room.

Rose's eyes widened, "Um... yeah- yeah sure. W-what is it you need?" She stuttered.

The doctor pulled back, sitting back in his chair and fixing the human with a look she had never seen on his face before.

'What is that?' She thought 'Want? Need? Desperation?'
Apparently she was more tired than she realised because it took her a few seconds to realise what she had just thought. Her eyes widened as what she thought finally sunk in. 'Want. Need. Desperation.'
She felt her cheeks tinge red just as the doctor opened his mouth to speak again.

"Rose I-...basically I need your help because..." With the second stutter he growled a little in annoyance at his own incapability to speak.
"Rose I need you to help me because-... because- I don't know how to explain that it was the weeping angels. Ok, that's it, I said it. I cant do it Rose I just can't. I know your supposed to think I'm all clever and everything but I just can't do it..."

Rose zoned out almost as soon as he had said 'explain that it was the weeping angels' everything else was just background noise. She breathed a sigh of relief and released a breath she definitely knew she was holding. 
She jumped back to reality just in time to hear the doctor finish and flashed him a smile.

"Course I'll help!" She said, trying but failing to hide the relief in her voice.

Just then, a sudden and unexpected clucking noise filled the room. Rose jumped and quickly lifted her feet off the ground.

"Calm it Rose! It's just the angel detector!" The doctor laughed.
Rose scowled back and finished off her toast.

"Looks like there's an angel nearby. Wanna go check it out?" The time lord asked with a grin.

Rose grinned back before dashing off to her room to wash and change as fast as possible.

It was only another 20 minuets later that both human and time lord were stepping out the doors of their ship. The doctor held his detector out proudly in front of him as he followed the small instruments on the top like a compass, leading them directly towards the statue.

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