Chapter 23

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All at the same time, Sherlock pressed the button on his devise, the doctor pointed the sonic and another load of angels surrounded the two humans.

The devices the doctor had given sherlock earlier to set round the perimeter of the hole were casting a light blue tube round the now bright yellow hole. All of a sudden, the doctor noticed the hole growing in size.

"Is that supposed to be happening?" Sherlock shouted.

There was a great wind coming through the hole which was making communications (and standing up straight for that matter) a whole lot more difficult.

"Umm, not really." The doctor replied, chewing his lip in thought as he hatched a new plan to stop the growth of the hole. If it got any stronger it might start taking in some of the nearby buildings.

He looked up suddenly at sherlock once he'd thought of a plan and almost immediately the detective knew it involved himself.

"What?" He asked, expecting the worst.

"I'm going to need you to rewire your device. God I really need to thing of a name for that thing!" He shouted.

"And how on Earth am I supposed to do that?"

"Don't worry, I'll talk you through it. Ready?"

Sherlock nodded in reply.

"Ok. There's a small panel on the back, take that off, can you see the coloured wires?"

Sherlock nodded and the doctor continued shouting, "Take out the pink one and switch it with the red one. Put the red one in blue one, the blue one in the green one, the green one in the white one, rip out the white wire completly and on no accounts touch anything yellow."

Sherlock being Sherlock managed to successfully rewire his device, discarding the now scrap white wire onto the floor beside him as he replaced the back panel and held it back up level with the hole.

"You're good to go!" The doctor smiled as sherlock resumed holding the button.

To the time lords delight, the holes growth slowed to a steady stop, instead beginning to spin in an anticlockwise direction, faster and faster until they could bearely see it moving.

There was a small 'whoop' of excitement from behind them and the doctor turned to look.

To his horror, Rose and John were now surrounded by about 40 angels, but they were rattling. Trembling on the spot as their stone felt the force of the hole.
All four of them cheered when the first statue was eventually sucked back in, shortly followed by a few more.

They kept their positions, sherlock and the doctor pointing simultaneously whirring devises at either side of the hole with John and Rose keeping the angles out their way, until the last angel had been sucked back.

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