Chapter 20

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Rose's earpiece went mute for a few seconds while the doctor communicated with John, before it crackled back into life.
She stood still in the cold night, arms folded across her chest to reserve whatever heat she could while she waited for the others to join her.
She saw John first, jogging round the corner and slowing to a walk as he neared. What came next, she thought was really quite comical.

The doctor and Sherlock came jogging round the corner after having to run further from their base point. They were clearly in some sort of unspoken competition; both of them trying to have the longest strides, the fastest pace, the coat that billowed out behind them the most.
Both John and Rose noticed this, raised an eyebrow and chuckled together as the two men came to a smooth stop, panting slightly, next to them.

"Ready for part two?" The doctor asked, trying as best he could to hide his breathlessness.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Rose replied excitedly.

It was safe to say that it wasn't just her suffering from the increased amounts of adrenaline pumping through her veins. John was finally starting to enjoy this little adventure and Sherlock would have considered a career change, had that not have meant giving up his unique title to become second best to someone. 

The doctor reached into his bottomless pockets and pulled out a small metal gadget. It was shiny metal and looked like a relay baton, except from the small button on one side of the curved face.

"Effectively," he began, not looking up from the fiddling he was still doing with the gadget and assuming correctly that the faces around him were demanding explanation, "a pair of fingers. Point this directly at the hole and it should hold it open."

"Should?!" John remarked.

"Normally, sealing a hole in space isn't too hard. I've got a sonic setting for it it's so easy, but we're not just sealing this time. We want to draw the angels back in at the same time. This little beauty will hold open the hole while we slingshot everyone back in, then collapse it once we're done."

"Yes, But you still said should!" John pushed.

"Ah yeah well, haven't really made one in a while, and I didn't have exactly the right parts but... it'll be fine!" The time lord breezed, completely unaware of the fear and dread now rattling through the three human's bones.

He tossed the device at Sherlock and it span through the air until the detective caught it smoothly in his right hand.
The doctor turned to rose,"so this is it? This is the hole?" He asked.

"This is it." Rose replied, pointing down at the slab she was stood over and taking a few steps back.
The doctor thought silently for a few seconds before his face lit up in a cheeky smile.
"Wanna have some fun?"

As sceptical as she was about the doctors definition of 'fun', Rose couldn't hold back the glint in her eye or the small chuckle that escaped her as she replied in the affirmative.

She watched excitedly (if a little nervously) as the time lord plunged his hand back into his pocket, only to pull out a small piece of rock Rose recognised as the chunk of angel he kept for 'testing purposes'.
She narrowed her eyes slightly in suspicion as the alien walked a few paces backwards before stopping and raising his arm level with his head.

"Ready?" He called

"Ready!" She giggled.

The doctor took a run up and bowled the ball with such elegance and accuracy that Rose wondered wether, in the 900 years he'd been knocking around, if he'd ever made it into a cricket team.
All four of them watched intently as the rock hurtled through the air. The doctor held his breath as it came closer to the hole, and then released it in shock.
The piece of angel disappeared into thin air as it flew through the hole and back to the angels planet. But the air around it was disturbed, the parameters of the hole were shown for all people to see, the air seemingly rippling around where the rock had fallen through, as though he had just dropped a pebble into a pond. The ripples continued to reveal to them the vastness of what they were dealing with, and once they came to a stop, the doctor realised that this hole was actually about 6 feet in diameter and a perfect circle.

"Ok. Well. Wasn't expecting that." He admitted.

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