Chapter 22

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Clearly having already been briefed on 'phase 2' beforehand, after placing down the small, pebble like divices, Sherlock took himself off and stood behind where they knew the hole stood.
Still clutching the batton- shaped devise the doctor had given him earlier, he held it up and hovered his finger over the button.

Unfortunately it wasn't just Rose who noticed this. The immistakeble sound of fluttering wings could be heard from behind them and both the doctor and Rose spun round.
8 angels were visibly surrounding the four, effectively trapping them in a large circle and the doctor knew straight away that the only thing the angels would do was to slowly make that circle smaller until- well, he didn't want to think about that.

"Ah yes. Thought that might happen..." The doctor admitted, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Care to share it with us?" Sherlock retorted, still stood shock still behind the hole and gripping the devise.

"Weeping angels may not look it, but they are alive. And what's the one thing every living thing in this universe has?"

"The need to protect ones home." Sherlock breathed.

"Exactly. And now we're throwing rocks and pointing menacing weapons at it."

"We're throwing rocks?!" John raised his eyebrow at the same time as rose asked sarcastically, "Could this get any worse?"

"Funny you say that Rose." The doctor chirped, choosing to ignore Johns comment, "but there is one more thing... The angels know they're stronger than us. They know they can defeat us with just one touch. They know that we're pretty weak opponents."

Loosing his cool, John spun around and threw his arms about, "oh for fuc-.."


John's exclamation of what sounded like was going to be quite a strong profanity, was interrupted by a desperate call from the rest of them.
He spun back around quickly to see where they were pointing and all of a sudden the breath got stuck in his throat.

Two angels had taken the opportunity and drawn nearer. They were both right up in his face now, looking down at him with their teeth bared in frozen growls.

The doctor looked quickly between the trapped John, the poised and ready-to-go sherlock, and the confused Rose.
Too many things going on at once!
Seeing him getting flustered, Rose piped up, "I'll help John and keep an eye on the angels, you do whatever you need to do."

She ran over to John, helping him walk backwards out of the angels grasp and positioning themselves so they could see the most ground at once. The doctor gave her a curt nod and turned back to Sherlock.

He gave him a look from the other side of the hole, as if to say 'here we go' before raising his sonic and shouting

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