Senior Year

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*Taylor's POV"

So yeah I'm a senior. I'd say junior year was pretty successful. My awesome boyfriend Sam and I got together, I met the Magcon family, and Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, and Mallory Thompson became my family. I also killed my ex-boyfriend, I was raped, and almost got Sam killed! Yeah! I didn't get any punishment for killing Ben, it was self defense. Not pregnant thank god. The downside to this summer was Sam being gone. He went to Europe the entire summer and he didn't get cell reception to FaceTime me. So this day, my first day of my last year at Westside, I get to see Sammy! Yay! So excited! I rolled out of bed and went and did my make up and put my hair in a fishtail braid. I wanted to make an impression for everyone. So I put on my gray t-shirt, jean shorts with a braided belt, a stack of bracelets, brown flip flops and grabbed a brown purse. I looked in the mirror and grimaced. My cuts left harsh scars covering my body. Some of the bruises hadn't completely gone away. But this is my body now. Might as well start living in it.

My parents and my little sister Megan were gone. My parents weren't really the best so they left me on my own sending in money every couple of weeks. They even bought me a convertible. It was nice but more like a guilt present. Not complaining though. I skipped breakfast oh well. I threw my bag in the car and drove to Westside.

When I got there, I pulled in and got out. Since I wasn't present at school for the last two months before school was out, I heard some rumors when I passed.

"She's back!"

"I heard she's pregnant!"

"Or suicidal."

"Yeah I heard she attempted suicide."

"Do you know if her and Sam are still together?" I tried to brushed them all off. But it's kinda weird having rumors about you happen. I turned a corner and saw Gilinsky. I walked over to him.

"Jack!" I gave him a hug.

"Hey Taylor whats up?"

"Have you seen Sam?"

"Yeah he was just here, you just missed him."

"Ok. What's your schedule?" I showed it to him.

"Oh we have first and fourth period together. Wait, I have everyone else's schedule on my phone." He showed me Mallory's, Jack's, and Sam's. I had five classes with Mallory thank god, three with JJ and last period with Sam. Typical. The bell rang and we walked to our first class. When we walked in, I looked around. Good, good, shit.

Stacy Smith and my ex-best friend, Maddie were at the end of the room staring at us. Maddie glared her eyes. I felt Jack tense and we walked and sat next to each other.

"Jack whats going on with you and Maddie?"

"We broke up. She kinda hates me now." I opened my mouth to speak but the teacher came in and started.

These periods were sooo long! Thank god it's lunch. I'm walking with Mallory when some girl stopped me.

"Hey guys! Taylor, how are you? We have missed you! How's the baby doing?"

"I'm not pregnant." I looked at Mallory who looked kind of shocked.

"Oh well that's good! Anyways, I'm Riley if you don't remember. I'm here on behalf of Kennedy, the captain of the cheer squad. We were wondering if we can recruit the two of you for varsity cheer?"

"Actually, I'm playing basketball so I can't. Thanks though." Mallory said. I thought about it. Hmmm cheerleading? It would be keep me occupied. I get to cheer at Sam's basketball games.

"Yeah! Count me in!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Yay! Meet us in the gym after school and we will give you the uniforms!" Riley said. I nodded and she went away. I turned to Mallory.

"Cheer really?"

"Why not? It looks fun!" She rolled her eyes and we walked back to the cafeteria. As we walked down, there were more whispers coming. I hugged myself protectively and Mallory seemed to notice. She put a hand on my back and guided me to the table. I sat with groan and saw the Jacks.

"What's going on?" JJ asked.

"What do you think? Do you not see what everyone is doing? Where's Sam?"

"He went to his locker he will be back shortly."

"Terrific." The cafeteria got noisy again thank god.

"So, how's the first day going?" Gilinsky asked.

"Good! Guess who is joining the cheer team?" Mal said shooting a wink at me.

"Really? That's awesome!" JJ said. Suddenly the room got quiet again. That was weird. I noticed half the people looking at me, and half the people looking at the door. Then Sam walked in. My heart stopped, but in a good way. He got tanner and taller (ugh). He cut his hair and it looks so cute and so right. He locked eyes with me and made his way as I stood up and pushed my chair back. I grabbed my bag and he stood next to me. I realized that everyone was still quiet, anticipating our moves.

"Yes, we are still together god damn." I said nice and loudly. I took Sam's hand and pulled him into the hall.

"Well, that wasn't as romantic as the movies." I said.

"Nope, but I did like your possessiveness." I laughed and leaned in. Our lips connected and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"So, how was your summer?" I asked when we broke apart.

"Terrible without you. You know how hard it is...being on the other side of the world with no connection?"

"Duh, I was on this side." He laughed and we were about to kiss again when Gilinsky came out.

"Oh, hey guys! Sorry, I should probably leave you." He went back and I looked back at Sam. He leaned in and the bell rang.

"Yet a constant reminder that we are in school." He sighed.

"Well we have last period together so I'll see you later."

"Can I drive you home?"

"Actually, I'm on the cheer squad! So I have a meeting after school."

"Cheer huh? With Kennedy?"

"Yeah! Looks good on college applications."

"Right. Well good!"

"Yeah! But can I come by later tonight?"

"Of course. I'll see you later." He kissed me on the forehead and left. I leaned back against the lockers. I missed him too much.

*Author's note*
Hey guys! So this is the second book to I think I'll stay, if you hadn't read that you probably should lol. Thanks to Wattpad for adding in pictures in the editing app,a I will post pics of Taylor's outfit, and stuff like that!

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Hugs and Kisses!

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