Homecoming Mess

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(Her Homecoming dress above)

*Taylor's POV*

So Sam ended up winning his first game. Of course. Cheer was fun, and I saw all the Magcon people in the crowd. I also watched some girls approach them carefully for pictures. I waited for him outside the locker room. When he came out with Brock and Mike, they all came over. I gave Sam a hug and smiled at the other two.

"Good job guys!"

"Thanks! Hey we should probably go. I'll see you later Sam." Mike said. They walked over to the Jacks and they started talking.

"Give me a ride?" I asked.

"Of course. Come on." He took my hand and started walking.

"Sam!" A girl said. We turned and I saw that girl from yesterday.

"Oh, hey, Taylor isn't it?" She smiled warmly. I felt Sam tense up. I gave him a look but turned back to her.

"Yeah, Vanessa?" She nodded.

"Just wanted to tell Sam nice game! I haven't seen him in a while."

"Ok, yeah thanks come on Taylor." He pulled me away.

"Sam! She was talking to us!" He looked at me.

"Yeah whatever."

"She seems nice! How do you know her?"

"Family friends." We reached the car and Sam opened the door for me.

"Sam can I ask you something?" He nodded, focused on the road.

"What are we doing about college? I need to know cause I'm looking for colleges and I want to know whats out."

"You know how I feel about USD. What else is there?"

"Sammy, that's your dream college not mine."

"Then whats yours?"

"A full ride is something I can't ignore. But I don't want to be far away from you either."

"Then go to UCLA. It's not that far away."

"I don't know where I want to go yet." He pulled over and it reminded me of when he asked me out. Best day of my life.

"Taylor, I love you so much and I want you to be happy wherever you go. Whether it's USD with me or Princeton across the country, I respect wherever you go and as long as you are happy, then I will respect that." I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. It was a long, sweet kiss. When we pulled away, I touched my forehead against his. We stayed like that for at least five minutes.

"Well, I probably need to get you home." I laughed and he drove me back.


Two weeks later, I was panicking. It was Homecoming week. Sam had already asked me but I heard I was being rumored to be nominated for the Homecoming court. I hated stuff like this. I was crowned Winter Queen last year with Sammy, but it was fun dancing with my boyfriend. Now we had to do it all over again. I was walking to the auditorium with Gilinsky since he was in my last class. We took seats next to each other cause we couldn't find the other three. When we sat, I saw Leigh looking at us. She obviously had a huge crush on Jack. I nudged him.

"Jack, you don't have a date yet for Homecoming right?"

"I thought you didn't need dates." Clueless.

"Yeah but I'm going with Sammy, Mallory with JJ, you're gonna be alone. Why don't find someone to go with?"

"Like who? Obviously you have someone in mind." He gave me a side glance.

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