Standing with the enemy

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*Taylor's POV*

My heart froze. Even though I was scared for my life, I had to admit it was clever what they did. Whoever it was. I have never seen this person in my life.

"Didn't expect this did you?" The armed girl asks. She pointed around, never pausing too long in one section. I wrapped my arm around Sammy and he pulled me to him. Suddenly, more people stood, with more guns and came down. I gasped.

"Sammy, that's Maddie. And Stacy." He nodded. The main girl pulled her hood off. She had jet black hair and dark, heavy makeup. I didn't even recognize her. Why would this random person shoot up a school?

"Anyone want to know who I am? Come on know, I didn't change that much." I covered my mouth.

"Oh my god. Guys, that's Caroline." I saw Gilinsky take a breath in.

"WHY DON'T WE GET TO SOME FUN!" Caroline yelled. I saw some of the others go to the teachers and corner them but Maddie, Stacy, and Caroline stayed in the middle. Stacy walked to two random people and pulled them up. I saw it was Chris Edwards and Meghan Lance. Meghan had always been one of those people who hated everyone, as cold as winter. Chris was so nice, he was shaking while Meghan stared down everyone.

"Come now, there are people you hate in here right?" Meghan nodded but Chris surprised me. He looked from the ground to the gun to the crowd.

"Well?" He looked back and nodded. The girls smiled.

"Why don't you name a couple. We will let the girl go first." Meghan looked around. She glanced up to the people on the ramp then without even looking, one long black fingernail pointed at us. Mallory gasped.

"I'm sorry you have to be more specific."

"Taylor, Leigh and Mallory. Those are the three I hate more than anyone." Sammy tightened his grasp on me. The three girls let out a laugh.

"Oh goodie! I hoped they were going to get picked. GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Caroline yelled. I felt some tears slip down my face and I glanced at Leigh and Mallory, they were crying as well.

"Might as well say goodbye girls, you won't have a chance later." Caroline cackled. I looked up at Sammy and he kissed me quickly. I yanked myself out of his arms.

"Taylor, no, don't go! She will kill you." He pleaded with me.

"If we don't she will kill more of them, possibly you, I'll give her what she wants." I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him again. I turned and walked down. Leigh followed me shortly and then Mallory.

"Nice to see you three again." Caroline looked at me. I looked over at Meghan.

"Why? Why do you hate us? What did we ever do to you?"

"You being so above everyone. I hated you Taylor cause you have Sam and the helpless girl act on you. Mallory, why wouldn't I hate you? Star of the basketball team, dating show boy Johnson. Leigh, ha, I've always hated you, your perfect blond hair, perfect cheerleader, I can't believe you have Jack Gilinsky, he must be really desperate to date you."

"I'm sorry that you could never accept us, but this is high school! You won't have to see us in a couple months." Leigh was crying so hard.

"Why wait, so I never have to see you again!" Caroline laughed.

"That's what I want to hear!" Stacy came behind me and pushed me to my knees. I saw some tears drip to the floor. Leigh and Mallory fell down beside me. Each of the girls went behind us and pushed the gun in our backs. I looked up at the crowd and they were all either shaking or crying. I looked up to Gilinsky, then JJ, then met Sam's eyes. I shook a bit then looked at the floor. Suddenly the gym door was kicked open and three gunshots went. I dropped.





















*Sam's POV*

I stared at Taylor, her eyes looking at me, shaking filled with tears. She looked away and I glanced at the Jacks. Each one looking at their girlfriends. The door was kicked open, Maddie turned, and three gunshots went off. Leigh, and Taylor dropped. The air was filled with screams. I jumped up and ran down, pushing through people running, slammed into multiple bodies as they moved, blocking me. I skipped the last couple of steps, and ran to Taylor. People surrounded them but I yelled for them to move. I dropped beside Taylor, picking her up in my lap. I brushed her hair out of her face and examined her body. No bullet hole was visible. She opened her eyes, saw me, and hugged me.

*Taylor's POV*

I opened my eyes. What? I'm not dead? I saw the gym, then felt someone tighten their hold on me. Sam was staring at me. I burst into tears and hugged him tight. He pulled me into his lap.

"Sam...the others?" I asked. I felt him lift his head and looking around. He pointed to Mallory. JJ was holding her as well, she was crying into him. I saw Leigh a little further back. She was standing, holding Gilinsky. They looked at each other and he kissed her. I looked back at Sam.

"Who was shot?" He shrugged. The rest of the school was panicking. Suddenly a voice filled the room.

"EVERYONE STAY CALM. THIS IS THE POLICE, WE HAS THE SITUATION UNDER CONTROL!" Everyone stopped moving, stopped talking. I saw one teacher push their way to me.

"Are you ok?"

"Do I look ok? I want to know why or what the hell is going on!" I told her.

"So do we, so do we." The teacher went over to Mallory and JJ. Sam stood up, pulling me with him. The police were herding people back into the stands. I was sobbing, clutching onto Sam. That was the scariest thing I have ever been through. I took my seat in between Sammy's legs. No way I'm going to stop touching him. It felt so good to be back with the real him. He put his arms around me and I took his hands, wiping my tears away.

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