Sam's Secret

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I woke up on a couch. Which was weird cause you know I have a bed in my house. Several actually. I rubbed my eyes seeing if it changed. Nope. I rolled and bumped into someone. Sammy. I smiled when I saw him but frowned when he wrapped an arm around my waist cause now I can't move. I sat up and saw Matt and Hayes on the floor asleep with JC and Aaron in chairs. I must have fallen asleep here by accident. I sighed and laid back down and put my head on Sam's chest. I grabbed my phone and clicked it on. Huh that's funny, it said it was 7:50. School at 8. Wait a sec...

"SAMMY! We have school!" I pushed him like a hundred times. Nope no reaction. I kissed him really hard and he kissed me back.

"Come on, we are gonna be late! Besides, by the time you move, it's gonna be too late for me to run home!" He groaned and fell back on the couch. I was completely blocked from getting off, so I had no choice but to climb over him. Then I pulled him off the couch.

"Fine, fine I'm up." He said. The other boys were slowly waking up. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

"Uh, Sam, do you have a sweatshirt? Anything I can throw over top?" He nodded and went upstairs. I quickly ran into the bathroom where I had a toothbrush along with the Jacks. I brushed my teeth and rummaged through some drawers till I found my extra makeup bag. Thank god I was over here enough times. I was applying my eye makeup when Sam walked in. He looked at me and laughed.

"You don't need anything, you are beautiful without it." I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Says you, but what will everyone else say when they see me down the hall with circles under my eyes and uneven spots on my face?"

"That you are gorgeous?" He looked confused.

"Nice try hottie, but they will grimace in horror." I finished and he tossed me an his grey Obey sweatshirt. I put it on and it was a little huge on me but I kept it. I liked it. We said goodbye to the rest of the boys and Sam drove me to school. On the way, he said,

"So, when do we get to spend time alone?" He took my hand.

"I know right? After the gang showed, I believe we will have no alone time."

"We could ditch today." He smirked.

"Sammy! It's only our second day."

"Yeah but just think about it, we either ditch, or our date will consist of Cam, Carter, Taylor, Nash-"

"Ok ok I get it. We are so ditching." He laughed and turned the car around. He turned into a coffee shop and went through the drive through. After picking up our coffee, he drove to a meadow. It was full of grass. We got out and hand in hand we walked to a tree. He sat first, back against the tree, and I sat in between his legs with my head against his chest.

"Sam, remember what I said in the hospital? When JJ was there?" I asked him.

"You told me that you were scared to love me and that you were scared of loosing me."

"Sammy, I love you." He moved his head and I looked at him.

"Taylor can I ask you something?" I nodded.

"Why? Why do you love me? And not the obvious answer 'cause we are dating'. What's the real reason?" I thought about it, thought about good words.

"Because you are you. You are a whole person, being yourself, doing whatever, and being so strong. That is something I never was. You were me, what I wanted to be. I always had to rely on someone to pull me out, but you, you were...are so strong. I love you for that and for believing in me and loving me. That's one piece of a puzzle I never had. Until you." Tears were running down my face. I meant everything I said. He turned me so my legs were wrapped around his waist. I leaned in, our foreheads touching. He put his hands on my waist and kissed me. I moved my lips in sync with his and my mouth automatically opened. We were kissing heavily when my phone buzzed. Without breaking the kiss, I held it up and read the screen. It was a Mallory asking where we were.

I moved my hands off his neck and shot a text that told her that we ditched. Then I put it down and resumed putting my focus in Sam. We finally broke apart and I snuggled my head against him. And I fell asleep in the arms of my boyfriend.

*Sam's POV*

I watched Taylor sleep. Seems a little weird but I couldn't care less. This was wrong so wrong. Not the part of her sleeping but the fact that I am hiding something from her. It's awful I know. I need to tell her about what happened, about what I did. But I couldn't. She is so innocent and what she told me broke me. I leaned my head back against the tree and I closed my eyes. I heard my phone bing. I pulled it out of my pocket and clicked the message open. It was her.

Vanessa❤- Hey baby! Just wanted to tell you that I landed and I'm coming to get you.

Me- Vanessa, you can't text me! What if Taylor was next to me?

Vanessa❤- Then she should know. It's me or her Sam, there really isn't a choice.

Me- I know sorry. I just need time to think.

Vanessa❤- I know babe. See you soon❤

*Vanessa's POV*

I got off the airplane with a grin on my face. Sam still wants me. I thought about his real girlfriend, Taylor. What a pretty name for a pretty girl. Nothing really was supposed to happen between me and Sam. It really wasn't Sam's fault. I never wanted or want to hurt Taylor. But Sam came on me. Ok he was drunk, but he never regretted it. In fact he came back the same night totally sober and we had sex again. Then that continued the whole summer. Then he left and I recalled what happened.

I walked hand in hand with my beautiful lover. Sam Wilkinson.

"Promise me, that we will see each other again." I said to him.

"I could never forget you, but Vanessa, I do have a girlfriend." He looked kind of sad.

"You what??? I have been having sex with a guy who has a girlfriend? I'm not a bitch, I never wanted to be a...a whore to someone who wants love." I jerked my hand out of his and turned to walk away when he grabbed my waist.

"Nessa," he only called me that when we were having sex. Wonder what he calls his girlfriend. "Nessa, I like you a lot. I wasn't kidding around." He kissed me and I automatically moaned into his lips. But I pushed him off me.

"Do you love her? This other girl?"


"Then why? Why did you do this to me, no US? Are you really that person?"

"Because I love you both."

"No Sam, it's one or the other. Not both."

"Then I don't want you." I laughed.

"I'm coming back for you Sam. And I'm telling this other girl what you did. And you will want me to her." He shook his head but before he could say anything, I shoved him.

"Have a nice flight Sam." I turned and walked.

I feel miserable for Taylor. I really don't want to hurt her and Sam, but I do want her to know. So it's Sam's call. He better tell her, or I will.

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