Me and my boy

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*Taylor's POV* (at hotel, before Magcon...early morning)
Hmmmm. Nope, nope, nope. I was going through my clothes in my bag. Mallory came out of our bathroom.

"You still aren't ready?" Perfect Mallory always glowing in what she wore. Today it was a white shirt with a beige jacket and black pants.

"No, unlike you, I don't look perfect in everything." She giggled and I gave her the death glare.

"Sorry, here let me look." She sorted through my stuff and pulled out an aqua crop top with white jewels and white jeans. She handed them to me and I changed. Mallory looked me over then handed me strappy gold stilettos. I shook my head.

"Mallory, it's Magcon, not a fashion show."

"Everyday is a day to dress. Don't think of it like Magcon. Think like you're dressing for Sam." I groaned and put them on. She was right, they did look good. I was tall. Hey, maybe I'm closer to Sam's 6 foot 1 height. I tried walking around in them and surprisingly, they worked really well. I have never actually worn the shoes before, I just bring them for fancy occasions. I went to the bathroom and straightened my hair. We then grabbed our phones and bags and went down to the boys floor. They separated us again. Sam told me he was sharing the room with either Matt or Hayes. I grabbed the multi-use key and opened the door.

"SAM! Someone opened the door!" I heard Matt's voice.

"Yeah, no shit. Everyone has a key to the hotel anyways." I looked at Mallory and she shrugged. We walked in and I saw both Matt and Sam in the bathroom playing with their hair.

"God guys, hurry it up." Mallory said. They both glanced at us.

"It's not our fault, boys take pride in the way they look too." I groaned.

"We are going down to the lobby, hurry it up." I said. Sam nodded, Matt dumped more gel in his hand. Mallory and I walked out.

"God, they take longer than we do." Mallory said. I nodded. We went down and waited. There was a group of about five girls in the lobby with signs. They said stuff like I love Magcon, Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend, stuff like that. We walked over to them.

"Oh my god, it's Taylor! Can we get a picture?" I nodded. We took it and I said,

"So what are you guys doing here? Aren't you going to Magcon?"

"Yeah, but we wanted to meet the boys."

"Most of them aren't awake. And the ones who are are doing their hair so you might want to go and get in line."

"Is she new?" One said, pointing to Mallory.

"No, I'm not apart of Magcon." She said.

"Oh...then why are you here?"

"I'm dating Jack." They gasped

"Gilinsky or Johnson? I didn't even know he had a girlfriend."

"Johnson. Gilinsky has a girlfriend too you know. She's here too."

"Why did we not know this?"

"They like their personal business kept a secret I guess, I don't know, neither Jack or Gilinsky flaunt Leigh or me."

"Is Leigh Gilinsky's girlfriend?" We nodded.

"I guess we should go then." One of the taller ones said, not really interested in the conversation.

"Wait, I want a picture of Johnson's girlfriend." They all nodded. I took their phones and took the pictures. They smiled and thanked us and left. We waited for another five minutes before Matt, Hayes, Shawn, Sammy, Leigh and Aaron came down. They walked to us.

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