chapter 20

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It was already the day that the few of us seniors would meet up at the school just to hang out. I just stand there looking at myself in my long mirror. I had putted on shorts and a plain light blue t-shirt. I just stand there debatinting what I was going to do. That's when I decided. I was going to break it off with Alex. I don't even know how I was going to handle saying goodbye to him.

I drive myself to the school and get there just on time. I go over to where a few other of the seniors were waiting. We have snacks and have fun while the principal gives a presentation to us but the whole time I couldn't stop glancing over at Alex. He would sometime look at me and smile but he didn't know what I was going to do. How heartbroken he would be. Finally its over and we hand out until everyone leaves. We head outside where I just stop in the parking lot.

"You coming?" says Alex turing back to look at me.

"We need to talk...."

"Okay, what is it?"

I take in a deep breath while tears sting in my eyes. I look down to the ground like it would make things any better.

"I can't do this anymore..."

"What do you mean?"

"Alex...I...I...I'm breaking up with you. I just cant be with you anymore."

"Olivia? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" did nothing wrong to deserve this.

I just look up at him while a tear rolls down my face.

"Olivia...please just say your joking. You must be joking."

I shake my head slowly, "I'm sorry Alex...I'm not joking."

"But Olivia-"

"I sorry...I've gotta go."

I turn around before I start bawling. I start heading faster and faster to my car while holding myself. I hear Alex call my name and for me to come back but I don't listen. I just get in my car and start it up heading straight home. I knew that that was the last time I would ever see him again. We would be leaving around midnight to catch or flight at one in the morning.

I stare out the window as the plane takes off. I watch all the houses and trees go by. I hold back my tears thinking of all the great memories had I made her. I just had wished that I never that to leave. I knew though that it was the last I would see of this place for a long time.

I'm Not Sure What To Do: book 2Where stories live. Discover now