getting ready

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Sasuke's P.O.V.

Me and Naruto decided on a time and date, that was about 2 days ago......

Im going. On a date. With Naruto. Today. At 6pm.... UGHHHH I'm so nervous! Its already 5:00pm and i have nothing to wear! I'm freaking out.

-Mean while with Naruto-

Naruto's P.O.V.

I am fully prepared! I brushed my teeth, made sure my hair is EXTRA spiky and found an outfit I had for a while the surprisingly still fits! I'm on a role tonight! I'm getting really excited for this date!!

-back to sasuke-

Sasuke's P.O.V.

I'm gonna have to buy a suit......I'm gonna have to BUY a suit! I'm....I'm so sorry Naruto your date is so unprepared and it's 5: 20! I'll just wear a nice shirt tucked into black jeans.....that's good right? Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... I'm to old to be this stressed (hes only 16).

-time skip-

Sasuke's P.O.V.

I walk over to naruto's apartment and knock on the door. I hear footsteps speed walk over to my way. The door opens revealing Naruto. I check his out fit out, he has a nice collar shirt with black dress pants that's held up with a black belt. Im guessing Naruto saw me starring cause he started to scratch the back of his neck while blushing a little.

"Ah, sorry...I just really like your outfit.." "No, no. Its ok... I really like your outfit too." Naruto holds out his hand, I grab on to it.

We walk towards a grassy hill. Our hands still together, we sit on the hill and stare up at the sky. "I hope you're not hungry cause I was hoping to stay here for a while, but if you are we can stop by my house and I can make us something." Naruto held my hand a little tighter, he looked over at me and smiled the cutest smile ever. "I'll make sure to do that."

I lay down to get a better look at the sky, Naruto soon followed.

It was just us, holding hands, looking at the sky, and having a nice night together.

Word count: 356

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