who wants to gnaw on human bones at 6 tonight?

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Naruto's P.O.V.

     We've been traveling for so long to the point where I've lost track of time. Hopefully kakashi is keeping track and isn't going around aimlessly without knowing when to stop, Right? I mean, he is our sensei. He's reliable and an adult. So, we should trust him.

Kakashi's P.O.V.

     So....I kinda lost track of the time. Before I lost count we were at around 15 hours in, so that would mean we had around 25 hours left, but that was hours ago and I'm not even sure how many hours ago that was. Jebus christ, I'm the adult of the group and I can't even count. Great....

     -time skip a few hours(3)-

     As I leaped from a branch I looked down as something caught my attention. I signed for the rest to stop and come down with me. Upon getting a closer look I see that its a dirt path. This could mean two things. One: this leads to the village and we're close to its entrance, or two: this has nothing to do with the village and lead to something else.

     10 minutes ago I was contemplating whether or not to go down the path cause there was a 50/50 chance it could've been something else. 10 minutes later here I am walking down the same path hoping for it to lead to our destination. This is what happens when I lose track of time... And when 3 kids who are 14 years old trust an old man with counting issues.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

     Walking down the path was great. I could talk to Naruto and it gave us a chance to relax, I would say that the burning sensation on the back of my neck was quite uncomfortable but other than that I would give it  a 10/10 rating.

     Ok....but for real though. The feeling of someone staring at me from behind was getting annoying.

     Turning my head I look at whatever it was and I was not suprised to see Sakura starring sadly at me, though only for a second before She looked away hoping I didn't see her. Real smooth. I continue looking forward, talking with naruto, and hoping that I would be able to have the patience to ignore her for the rest of the way.

Sakura's P.O.V.

     I can't believe I didn't see it before. How sasuke looks at Naruto when their talking... or just in general. He gives off such a peaceful gaze and pays full attention to what ever Naruto is saying or doing. Honestly, I'm jealous...I know its not good, but I cant help but feel jealousy cause right now I want to be in Naruto's place so bad. I want sasuke to look at me like that, and I want him to look at me like I'm the best thing that could've happened to him...

     Stupid Naruto...

No one's P.O.V.

     Team 7 made their way down the path. Nothing happened for a solid 3 hours, till they reached a sign.

     "Village watanabe
Walking distance: 5 hours."

(Btw with my amazing math skills I found out the missing time that kakashi forgot to count and he seriously missed 10 hours of that trip)

     "Do we have enough time?"Sasuke looked over at kakashi.

     (Let's just imagine that kakashi can do quick mafs in his head and figured out the answer)

     "Yeah, if I counted correctly we should have about 9 hours to get there, which would leave us pleanty of time afterwards."

     Kakashi motioned for the team to follow him.

     "Oh, and by the way. They said walking but we're ninjas so this will be a lot quicker." With that he took off.

     Team 7 tried their best to keep up with kakashi. He was fast, but not enough to lose them.

     "since walking is about 5 hours, then ninja speed should cut that almost in half... So 3ish hours?"

(Kakashi trynna be smart, but fool, we already know your brain is full of gay hentai, smh, and with that I end this episode. HeeHee)

Word count: 684

Man, lately I've been making these kinda long chapters and ngl I'm proud of myself. Before I was making 300 words or so chapters, but now my thumbs are pulling themselves together and are typing these well-lengthed 600-700 word chapters.

 Before I was making 300 words or so chapters, but now my thumbs are pulling themselves together and are typing these well-lengthed 600-700 word chapters

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Just a little one piece meme before I go.

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