Dahlia's info

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Karla Mamii-Nothing to something

Dahlia has lived in the orphanage her whole. She rarely talks and rarely listens to people. When she was 8 she had decided to take up street fighting to save up for a computer, i'll admit it wasnt the most rational descion but she had heard some kids from school mention things about and well yeah thats how she got where she is now. Like i said it wasnt the most rational but it was what worked for her.
While street fighting she takes up throwing knives at age 11 she has mastered knives. Soon she moved onto guns and cars. She just got a job as a mechanic, it was just suppose to be a summer job but she kind of just never left. While working there she became friends with the boss and told him about wanting to learning to shoot. She made up some bullshit lie, he knew but kept quiet and taught her anyways.

By age 13 she's street fighting, street racing. She goes by Silent Shadow.
No one knows who she is.
No one seen her face.
No one even notices when she's there.
There one minute, gone the next.

When she's injured she can control the amount of pain she feels, she also can stop blood from pouring out of her. It also helps that she's a werewolf so she heals preety fast anyways.
When she's mad her entire eye goes black and the veins under her eyes come out.

15 year old Dahlia was bullied at school for not talking.
But her motto is "Dont be a bitch and do something about it".
Basically meaning anyone who bullies her or anyone for that matter is getting their ass beat.
She has been suspended and given detention multiple times for smoking weed and drinking on school property.
She's been expelled and landed in juvie for landing the last guy in the hospital after that no one did anything to her.

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