Chapter two

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Do better-Lil Donald

Josh (uptop)
Josh POV

"Mason. Son you do i ever tell you how much i love you." I say "what do you need dad" he says smiling
"I love how well you know me. I need your help. I need to convince Klaus to something and you know how stubborn he is." I say
"Uhhh...Yea sure. What are we trying to convince him to do?" Mason my son ask
"Well here's the plan"

20 minutes later

"Klaus we need to talk" i say as Mason and I enter his office.
"What is it?" He ask "Well we know that Rose cant have kids....." I say carefully.
"We were wondering if the three of us can surprise her?" Mason says finishing the question.

"You want to surprise her with a kid?" Klaus ask raising an eyebrow. Mason and I nod.

Klaus POV

I sigh
"What do you have in mind?" I ask
"Theres an orphanage like 30 minutes away. There's like an open house today you and Mason could go." Josh says
"Ok fine... Mason get dressed youre not going in your sleep wear."

We got out of the car and went into the house. Mason and i told Diana the caregiver we wanted a girl age 10 through 17

I know its old but i need and heir to take over the gang when i get to old or decide to drop down. So if their older it's easier to teach. I also got a girl cause i know its what Rose would want.
"All girls ages 10 through 17 please step forward." I was introduced to all the girls but one. I walked up towards her and said
"Hello love. Im Devin Smith. Whats your name?" I expected her to answer but instead Diana did she had answered Dahlia seemed lost in her own world.
"This is Dahlia Black. She's 16 and has been here since she was 3 months old"
"Ok well...ive made up my mind. But id like to speak with you first." I had already made up my mind i was going to pick Dahlia i just had to know her more. So before we left to her office she told all the girls to go to their rooms.

We got into her office and we sat down. "Ive decide to pick Dahlia, But id like to know more about her first" she smile her smile goes to her eyes.

"Yes of course. Well Dahlia is sort of a problem child but a sweetheart if you take the time to know her. Dahlia has been suspended for drinking and smoking on school property. She had been in 5 fights. She hates human contact. She really likes knives and even makes her own, but there is a thing you should know thats a major thing when adopting her." She sighs. I remain eye contact telling her to go further into detail.
"She's got MD, It gets bad and she doesnt like talking about it but it does affect her and the people around her a lot."
I was shocked

"She works as a mechanic just a few blocks down. Umm lets see.... She hasnt talked to anyone or anything in years, she's basically a selective mute. She uses sign language to communicate or she'll write it down." As she says more i am growing fond of this. Not because i want to "fix her" or anything but because she needs this more than i need her. I want to help her.
Their are a few things we'll have to work on like the drinking and smoking
"Oh yes one more thing. She tends to leave at night and comes home very early in the morning and she doesnt take to kindly to people telling her what to do."
"So now after hearing everything do you still wish to go through with it?" She says giving us a hopeful look.
"Yes we'll go through it" she then calls her through the intercom and she walks in.

I see her look at Mason wide eyed she smiled a little but then she looked away. After a few minutes i noticed that she has a knife in her boot i just shrug it off though. Like Diana said she likes the knives and such.
By now we're at the door saying our goodbyes and head to the car. We pack everything and head out. After a few minutes she gives Mason a white board saying she needs to go somewhere. We tell her okay. When we get there i notice its her work place, she climbs over and honks the horn three times before getting out and going towards her boss im assuming hugging him.

"You okay Mason?" I ask
"Yea im fine" He says clutching the handle his knuckles turning white.
"What do you think of Dahlia?" He lets go and I see his cheeks turn red. He's blushing.
"She seems great. She'll do great in the gang. Rose will be happy. Well not the "hating human contact" part. But its something we can work on"
Before i could answer i see Dahlia by the car door riding a motorcycle. Im surprised that a 16 year old has a bike.
"How could you even afford that?" Mason asks. She just shrugged and wrote that she'll follow us.

We get home and we get to the door. Mason and i smile at each other and unlock the door "Ladies first" she rolls her eyes and opens the door. Once she walks in Josh jumps out and point a gun in her face.
To our surprise she wasn't scared she didnt even flinch. While Josh is looking at us she grabs his wrist and flips him to his back she takes the gun and starts shooting near his face and his balls.
She rolls her eyes and goes to the couch and falls asleep.
We just look at each other when Mason decided to break the silence
"I think im already in love" he says walking towards Dahlia. We all sat around her just starring at her wondering how she could do that. We probably look like a bunch of creeps watching her sleep.

Im guessing Mason has noticed the knife because he moves his hand to grab it. And just like that she bolts right up.



Adopted by The gang leader Book #1Where stories live. Discover now