Bank on It

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Alright Sibyl , message Zak Parsons.

Joe: You heading to the Hangout after work?

Zak: Nah, I'm on my way to Karma Bank. I want to get some money so I can pre-order "NeonRebel 2144."

Joe: Oooh, that's tempting. I could use some time in their waiting room.

Zak: It might take them a long time to convert karma coins into mortal money, but they know how to make a waiting room.

Joe: Spa, VR cage, and food court. *starts drooling*

Zak: So why don't you come?

Joe: Can't. I'm in Sans Fontcisco right now with CyberPunk dealing with some counterfeiters.

Zak: Counterfeiters?

Joe: They've been abducting people and cloning them then putting their programmed consciousness into the clones. Not so sure what they're up to yet, which is why I have time to message you.

Zak: Sounds rough.

Joe: It gets worse.

Zak: Really?

Joe: They managed to counterfeit Brood. Nothing like dealing with an army of clones AND a grumpy vampire clone in the middle of the night. How much longer till Friday?

Zak: Oh man. Good luck.

Joe: Thanks. BTW, can you save me a chili dog from the food court?

Zak: Np

Joe: Gotta go. The counterfeiter boss just showed up. I need to listen to his monologue so I can learn his plot.

Sibyl, end messages.

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