Chapter 2

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"I think we should have our own island. "

Killer looked to Kidd, as did Luffy.

"Hear me out, " he grinned cruelly, "We could be kings and have our own people."

"I do want to be king, " Luffy stated, "But how would we get it?"

Kidd glanced to Killer, "We can fight. How else do you expect to fulfill your dream?"

Luffy just stared up blankly at Kidd.

"Let me show you rather than explain, " Kidd sneered bitterly before standing up.

Killer quickly stood to join him and Luffy followed suit. Kidd left the building they were staying in and flew to the town square.

"Get some supplies for a long flight, I don't know when we will find a decent island, " with that said the three split to do just that.


"I don't think I have enough pockets, " Luffy observed with a tilt of his head at his find.

Kidd looked over impatiently before signaling to Killer who moved to aid Luffy.

"That should do it, just don't move too much as you fly, " murmured Killer after securing the food.

Luffy nodded his thanks before speaking, "So you have a log post, map, and other things?"

Killer nodded, "Enough to get us to the next island."

Kidd finished his business and experimentally stretched his wings. Once satisfied, Kidd turned to the two expectantly.


The three spread their wings before flying towards where the log post pointed over the open sea.

"Now this is our adventure!" Luffy cheered happily as they flew up to ride a warm air current to their next destination.



Killer wasn't exactly sure how long they had been flying, he only knew that the kid on his back was not as light as he looked. Especially with the extra cargo that was slowly diminishing. Kidd wasn't much easier to deal with though.

"Where the fuck is this damn island?" came the snarl that had been repeated over a few days Killer thought.

"How fucking far can this damn thing be?! This map is shit."

Killer held in a sigh as he continued to ride the air current. There was only so much even he could take.

"Calm down and check the log post, I'm sure it isn't much farther."

Kidd looked as though he was going to say something but then decided to do as Killer instructed before slightly changing course.

"There, it might get us there a little faster, " Killer looked pointedly to Kidd, "Give it a few more days."

Luffy made a noise as he ate more food before Killer swatted at his hand, "Wait."

A noise of complaint left the hybrid before he unhappily released the food. Killer finally let out a sigh as they continued their flight, what else could go wrong?



Law opened his eyes and looked around. His heart still beat strongly in his chest from the strange dream he just had. Something with losing his breath and seeing one of those birds, but it was a man.

He shook his head to clear it as another merman made his way up beside Law.

"What is bothering you?" a green haired mershark asked.

Law looked over and narrowed his tired eyes, "It's nothing, Zoro-ya. Did you ever find what you were looking for?"

Zoro shook his head with a slight frown.

The two have known each other long enough for Law to have treated Zoro's scarred eye. The stupid mershark had a strange directional sense which had led him mysteriously losing his eye. Law wasn't sure if he truly forgot or just refused to revisit the embarrassing memories. Although Law gave him kudos for returning without much hassle.

"I can't even figure out what it is, " hissed Zoro in annoyance.

Law knew Zoro wasn't one to be easily bothered, so this must be important to him.

"Zoro-ya, let us go search then. I think there is an island nearby." Law mused as he swam along the seafloor in search of a certain coral.

Zoro watched him with a pinched expression as conflict swam over his eye, "I thought we weren't allowed near islands."

Law hummed as he found it and pulled out a small handwoven bag, "We aren't, but then again who is going to stop us?" Law looked up to Zoro with a smirk as he also uncovered a sword from the surrounding sand with a flick of his tail.

Zoro eyed the sword and subconsciously reached down to touch his three held at his waist, "So you are a swordsman then?"

The only response he received was a sly grin.

"Come, Zoro-ya, " Law beckoned with one of his smaller fins on his torso as he slung the bag strap over his shoulder for travel.

Zoro silently followed the raven-haired merman as he led him toward the seaweed forest. The dense plants gave perfect cover for those who prey and those who are preyed on. The pair weren't necessarily either since one was a shark and the other a koi.

Law was not originally from the provenance where he met Zoro. His patchy black and white scales show for that along with his unique billowy fins.

Occasionally Law had to backtrack to retrieve the mershark but by the end he just had him tied to himself with the seaweed.


The two mermen arrived at the island base and began a laidback search. They found some spires that Zoro claimed to remember and they continued up the steep slope towards the surface.

They were close enough to see the surface now and Law was busy inspecting the coral beds when something swept him up. A coarse net dug into his skin and scales, quickly leaving burn marks as he was hauled up above the surface. All of this happened too quickly for either him or Zoro to react. The last Law saw of the mershark was a panicked expression as he swam as fast as he could towards Law.

The next moment brought searing pain to Law as breath was ripped from him as his body broke through the surface without proper adjustment. Soon enough he was gasping in air instead of filtering it though his gills. He gripped the net to look for his captors that appeared similar to what he had seen in his dream. Birdmen.

The birdmen spoke to one another in wonder upon spotting Law and flew towards the island with him in the net.

Once they reached land, Law was dumped onto hard ground that tore out some scales and roughed his skin, causing the battered places to lightly bleed. Law let out a groan and sat up, partially crushing his back fin in the process.

The birdmen were gathering to look on and the panic in Law rose. They were birds, they might eat fish. Law whipped his head back in fourth, trying not to keep his back exposed for too long as the birdmen continued to get closer.

There was a sudden loud beating sound and the odd fins on the birdmen's back moved in agitation as a figure above Law descended. The birdmen backed up and Law looked up to be nearly blinded by the sunlight. The figure cast a shadow over Law, in which darkened his features to be unseen.

Flaming red hair and powerfully odd fins on the man's back was the last Law saw before he passed out from the adrenaline and lack of water and oxygen.


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