Chapter 9

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Law had focused on searching for things to heal his wounds. His scales would grow back in time, but they still hurt and were uncomfortable. His roughed skin still stung at times as well. He worked on producing more slime to cover his body. It helped with healing and keeping scales and skin healthy. It also made it easier to travel through water and kept him wetter on land. He didn't want a repeat of the scare from that morning.

He hadn't found much in the small pool to help aid in this process and ended up wandering the stream. It was still quite barren to what he was searching for, perhaps he just couldn't identify them. Law sighed and gave up on the search in favor of resting back in the pool. He curled around the edge to enjoy the sun's warm rays before they disappeared for the evening.

His thoughts finally drifted to the matter he had been trying to avoid thinking of. Law knew Zoro would have informed the prince of his capture and would come searching. He knew he should go and tell him he was okay, but Zoro wouldn't understand his longing to return to the island. Law was sure Ace would place guards on him as well so he could never return. The thought caused him to frown as he played with the snails that had gathered near him.

Law didn't want to leave. It wasn't like the pool was an ideal place he wanted to stay but there was something else. He lightly pushed a snail over and watched it roll away. The prince and Zoro mean well, that was okay, but Law knew he was still an outcast even there. At least here people didn't know where he came from and he could start anew. And he wasn't alone.

He was aware Zoro was protective due to his instincts. Law could usually rest easy with that thought, yet it now bothered him. Law was tired; he couldn't find sleep now. There was nothing to worry about here. Except for the whole situation itself. Law only forgot his worries when Eustass was around.

A soft smile crossed Law's face at the thought of the redhead as he watched the snail inch its way back to him. It was a determined fellow, Law decided as he continued to play with the rest as he waited for Eustass to show up.



Ace found himself remembering the past times once more as preparations were continued...


Thatch spun to avoid a strike during hand to hand combat, flaring out his translucent fins. He was using his whisker like barbels to taste and sense the movements of his opponent, Teach. As a catfish merman, Thatch didn't have the greatest eyesight. They relied on their barbels for interactions and direction. They still made remarkable warriors when they knew how to apply their skills.

Teach on the other hand was an eelpout. His tail was longer and whip-like in appearance. He tended to rely on it for fights without weapons. His large side fins allowed quick bodily movements.

From Ace's point of view, these two were quite even in a fight. It wasn't just him who thought this.

A fin lightly traced Ace's hip before retreating, a call of attention from the golden trevally beside him, "I bet this match will tie from us tiring of it."

Ace turned his head to gaze at his companion with a grin, "I guess so. They get longer each time."

Marco chuckled and looked back to the fight. The two floated out of the way; they had their arms crossed over their chests as a respect to the competitors. Ace watched Marco to admire his fishtail. The yellow fins were long and thin, and the body was silver with black stripes. He had fins down his back and front that connected at the end before splitting at the tail fin evenly.

One of the yellow side fins flicked and Ace glanced up to see Marco raising an eyebrow at him.

"You don't need to stare, I know it isn't terribly interesting to look at. At least compared to yours, " Ace blinked before uncrossing his arms and flicking his tail fin out.

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