Chapter 8

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Ace gave a heartbroken smile at the bittersweet memories. At the time he had not known what he knew now. The betrayal that would come, the wars, and death. So much death. Ace wished he had listened to that uneasy feeling. Perhaps things would be different.

His eyes cleared as he looked to an approaching figure. A small clown fish joined the circle.

"Zoro's condition worsens. Dr. Chopper has administered treatment, " the clown fish's voice was deep and straight to the point.

Ace nodded before thanking the fish and dismissing them. He gazed around the coral room he was in before focusing on one swimming closely to him.

He gestured them closer in which they quickly obeyed, "Can you prepare rooms? One for each guest. Pops, Marco, and the heads of the provinces. Thank you."

The fish gave an affirmative flick of one of its fins before calling several others to join it in preparations. A few other groups departed with unspoken commands to take care of other duties for this meeting. Perhaps a festival could be made of it.

A yawn left Ace and he covered his mouth with his wrist. Several fish looked to him worriedly and the cycling sped up. He waved them with a reassuring smile.

"I am alright. The symptoms aren't something to fear. But I suppose I should rest.."

The fish seemed to slow and calm down before allowing him to leave their company. He swam to his resting chambers and laid over the soft sponge bed that was created to house the specific growth. He trailed a side fin along the surface in silent thanks before dropping into a dead sleep.



Killer was proud of the progress of the castle. The local birdmen easily lent a hand and didn't seem to mind the intended takeover of power. He was grateful for this since it made things simple and easy. Now all there was to do was fully establish the castle.

Luffy was flying around collecting large leaves to thatch a roof. He had a large armful already and supplied the workers who had set up support beams already. A pleased grin was hidden under Killer's mask.

A moment later heavy wing beats announced the presence of someone Killer was sure he wanted to see at the moment. His mood was instantly soured as Kidd gave a quiet comment, good he knew Killer wasn't happy with him at the moment.

"Things look to be going well. "

There was a long silence as they watched the progress in which Killer had refolded his wings at least five times out of restless irritation. He heard Kidd let out a sigh through his nose.

"He's fine now. Why are you all worked up?" yellow eyes pierced Killer's side, he self consciously reached up to his mask to ensure it was still in place.

Killer usually didn't pout but with Kidd being gone all night he found it better suited than acting like normal, "You didn't return."

He looked to Kidd to see a smirk, "Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

Killer tensed and felt the feathers on his wings flare out. He never felt so strongly over something and now he felt the world peering in on him and suppressing him. His breathing had picked up along with his heart rate. Kidd had never set him aside before. A soldier run by strings cast aside when a new puppet showed up.

Kidd had watched the transformation with confusion before grabbing ahold of Killer and flying them away to privacy. He didn't release Killer once they landed but held him tighter.

"Hey. Calm down, " he kept his voice firm as he tried to speak through the panic Killer's mind had gone into.

Killer felt Kidd grip his shoulders before knocking their foreheads together to stare into the mask holes. He then reached under Killer's arms to gently stroke the feathers he could reach to try and calm him down after realizing words wouldn't work this time.

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