Chapter 7

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Law rubbed at his sore jaw. The night was cold and drawing him into a deep sleep, but he couldn't let go yet. Grey eyes gazed up at Kidd while his fins splayed on the ground.

"I suppose your points are valid, Eustass-ya."

There was a huff as Law drug his heavy body over to Kidd's sitting figure. The other seemed wary of his intentions but didn't stop Law as he laid his torso over Kidd's lap. The red head draped a wing over Law and curled the other around himself. Law smiled contentedly and allowed sleep to take over.


Law awoke to the morning birds twittering. The sound wasn't unpleasant, Law decided, but not something he wanted to wake up to constantly. He still wanted to ask Kidd about the island inhabitants but one look at the burly redhead showed him still passed out. Both wings appeared bent at awkward angles and he had fallen asleep upright.

Law grinned in amusement before touching the soft feather blanket that was thrown over him still. The movement caused an uncomfortable stretch from his dried scales. Law panicked. Beached mermen can dry up, that's why they weren't allowed near islands usually. After a moment, he realized none had cracked seeing as the warmth of the wing kept them damp from the water that appeared on the grass overnight. He stared at the grass in wonder, he'd definitely need to ask Kidd about that.

He spent some time wetting some dry scales to prevent any more damage before returning to play with the feathers. He'd never felt anything like it and found himself drawn to touching it constantly when the chance arose.

"Stop that, " Kidd's voice was gruff from sleep and irritation.

He stretched, pulling his wing away to stretch it out too. Law wasn't sure how the whole wing thing worked but the position he held the whole night didn't seem like it'd be comfortable. So he wasn't surprised when Kidd went rigid with a noise of discomfort. Nearly pain.

Law rolled his eyes and held out a webbed hand, "Let me see. "

Kidd appeared hesitant and eyed Law wearily. Law sighed before pushing himself back. Seems like this may take awhile so he might as well get wet again.

Once his scales were taken care of, he reemerged from the pool and laid at its edge. Law quirked an eyebrow with a grin before curling his webbed fingers to beckon Kidd over.

"How do I know you won't drag me in?" so much distrust.

Law's grin darkened, "You don't. "

The redhead grumbled to himself but reluctantly made his way over to the pool edge. His movements were slow and stiff. Perhaps sleeping out in the cold night was not such a good idea for either of them.

Law sat up once Kidd was close enough and was careful to not get him wet. He understood a little better now that surface creatures don't like being wet. Law carefully ran his fingers through the feathers and worked on straightening them. The bird was surprisingly patient with this bit. Once the feathers were in place, Law worked at the actual wing to help relieve the stiffness.

Kidd seemed to relax after awhile and nearly fell asleep a few times.

"Was that so bad?" Law couldn't help the teasing that snuck into his voice, Kidd was fun to play with.

He received a snort before Kidd sat up to stretch. Law watched this silently before laying on his stomach. Sitting up so long made him tired.

Kidd looked back at Law and tilted his head, "What?"

Law startles awake after realizing he nearly dozed off. He shook his head and propped himself up on his arms.

"Nothing, just tired. But, Eustass-ya, I have a few questions, " Law was gazing around to avoid staring straight at the birdman.

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