Chapter 12

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When Kidd didn't return from checking on Law as quickly as he should have, Killer stood to chase him through the storm. Luffy simply watched him go with a blank expression, the storm was serious enough to dampen the liveliness of even the hybrid. He silently left the new home they had built and began following the path Kidd had taken off in.

Killer's flight abilities were well honed. The dynamics weren't as precise as Luffy's but still close in natural ability. Birdmen weren't supposed to fly during storms and yet here he was, dodging wind gusts and stray branches. The distant village lights were faint, signalling the birdmen were tucked away safely in their homes. A slight sting on his arm reminded him of the short amount of time he had and sped up his chase.

The clearing with the pool was vacant, Kidd had made it this far. Killer continued the relatively straight path to the sea and saw the destruction at the edge of the forest before an open cliff dropped straight into the sea. The waves beat upon the rock face, roaring like an animal attempting to climb out of a pit. There was no sign of either of them. Killer almost headed back with relief until he saw a black mass against the dark sky dive into the water. Sharp, hawk eyes followed the dark spot that dove beneath the waves. A moment later, two figures emerged from the depths. Killer swooped down to help them onto shore.

After getting them to shore, he was able to look closer for identification. Killer could see the dark being was a young female crow and the other was Kidd. He almost choked in horror at the mangled wings. They almost looked unrecoverable. Feathers sticking every which way, several jaunting breaks, and bone that had broken through skin and feather. He embraced his friend while the fledgling urged him towards a nearby hut. It was grounded and would be the easiest to get to.

They entered and were greeted by an old crone. A knowing look hardened her stern gaze.

"I see we have much to do. I feared when this storm would come. Now help me, " she stood from the chair and hobbled over with a walking stick, the young female swiftly took action to follow her.

Killer watched this new crow, did Kidd know her? His gaze was drawn to the eagle's back as they moved him. Pain plagued Kidd's face even without consciousness.



That's right. Something had fallen from above and had sunk deep. Law had come across it on his way to the island. He had always found himself wanting to be there, it was peaceful. Today a large mass blocked his way. Curious eyes inspected the being, recognizing it from above.

"A bird?" he inspected the creature further, "no gills. Unless they're hidden but that would be pointless."

Webbed hands gripped beneath the bird's arms and drew it up to the surface with powerful thrashes of Law's tail. He brought it to the island and laid it upon the shore. It did not stir. Law moved it to its side where water spilled from its mouth and harsh coughing brought back life, he had not been terribly gentle.

The air was dry and hard to be up in. Law drug the body farther up the sand with some effort. He retreated back to the water to rest and wait.

The bird recovered and spoke harsh words before coming to the water. Law drew his body up as it shook its head. Once the bird finally looked at him, they both stared, surprised and curious. How could such eyes and vibrant hair belong to a creature above?


Law awoke slowly. Pain flashed throughout his body. He seemed to be floating but couldn't recall where he was and why.

"Zoro, " he rubbed at his temple while muttering the name.

They had been searching for something. Something that the mershark refused to say. Why was he here then? Alone?

Upon further inspection of his surroundings, Law noticed he had been drifting along the seafloor with a cloud of blood of what he could guess was his wake. He was surprised no predators had been attracted.

He lifted a webbed hand, with some effort, to gently touch his skull. A sharp pain had him wincing and squinting his eyes closed. The recovery time was slow, he couldn't even properly assess the damage done to the rest of his body. Everything ached or felt numb, he just wanted to sleep. The sea was peaceful enough.

His body had been dragging across the seafloor face down when his hand brushed over something beneath the sand. Law willed himself to glance back to see the object which had been uncovered, a sword. He pressed his opposite hand forwards into the sand to stop any further forward motion and let the other remain over the sword. The design was so familiar, but Law wasn't sure why his sword would be here. It should be near the reefs.

Grey eyes narrowed as he stared at the sword, as if daring it to trigger some memory. It didn't, but Law had a feeling that Zoro would truly know. That is if Law could find him.

Law strapped the sword around his torso and summed up the energy to finally move. With a final glance around, Law swam off further into the sea.


Usopp had been dismissed back to guarding the main gates after Zoro was released and left the palace once more. Honestly, Usopp could not understand why the mershark would leave so soon. He had expected for Zoro to train more or something.

Other than the whole baffling situation, the state of the kingdom in preparation for the upcoming festival was exciting. The whole reef seemed to hum with anticipation. Decorations littered buildings and vendors that seemed to have appeared overnight. But none of that was the most promising for this particular festival. Mermen from other provinces would appear to take part in festivities, and it had also been rumored that the Great King would make a reappearance.

Truly, Usopp had loved his king like anyone else, but he was most looking forward to seeing another individual. A sweet, colorful mermaid named Kaya. As a longfin german blue ram, she was colorful in every sense, very dazzling. At her waist the dominant color is a complementing red that fades to a yellow down her tail. Vibrant blue dots decorate her scales and fins.

He had known Kaya for forever, since they first grew up in a small village. When he left to join countless mermen in the army, she had always made a point to visit. Especially in such friendly times like this festival. It has been awhile from when they had last met, thankfully the guards would be rotating shifts.

The palace resided in a coral reef that displayed every color imaginable in vibrant bursts and unique shapes. Like the palace, the mermen simply built homes and shops around and in the coral. Endless fish swam in schools around the reef as fellow citizens.

A sudden commotion on the mainstreet caught Usopp's attention. Beyond a shallow coral system there was a pod of decorated dolphins. Their whistles were like trumpets, announcing two familiar figures followed by other province leaders. Usopp felt his face contort in an overwhelmed expression of happiness as he turned to report to Ace, ensuring to leave a fellow guard in charge.


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