Chapter 13

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The storm was the worst Luffy had been through. Sea storms are notorious for their violence, but this one was something else. As if it were alive with some sort of purpose. He couldn't be sure though. It was just a storm after all.

Luffy had been fine when Kidd left, but when Killer chased after the eagle, he found himself withdrawn. Now that the storm was over, he sought out to find the other two since neither had returned yet.

He fluttered his wings to test them as he walked to a perch. With a glance to the ground, Luffy took off with a powerful down beat of his wings. The cool morning air whisked past his face and plastered his hair back. The scent of the wet earth and plants was refreshing and brought a smile to his face as he flew through the trees. The slightest of brushes against anything caused water to fall in droplets or simply dampened his wings. A strong rush ran through him, he wasn't sure if it was the storm or the air.

A sudden thought struck Luffy and he quickly changed his course, what had happened to Nami, Robin, and that Sanji guy? Swift wing beats and sleek maneuvering brought Luffy to the tree where he had first met the tree birdmen. He landed upon a broad branch, reaching up to hold his hat as the gust of wind continued its path forwards.

He shook out his wings before folding them behind his back. The feathers weren't as wet as he thought. Luffy took his time surveying the clearing and tree itself. The large tree was ancient and easily towered over the other vegetation. The soft hum of wildlife, occasionally interrupted by a trill of some bird, filled the forest. The silence from before filled.

Luffy wasn't sure how long he stood on that branch listening, but several wing beats drew him from the peaceful trance. His expression lit up at the familiar faces that mirrored his in shared their pleasure of seeing him as well.

"Hi guys!"

Similar greetings were tossed in his direction as the others settled onto separate branches within the tree. Robin had landed slightly higher than Luffy and peered down at him with piercing blue eyes as Nami and Sanji fluttered around the same level as him.

"I see the storm hasn't deterred you from adventuring out so soon, " a hint of amusement lit up the depths of her eyes and tugged the corner of her mouth up into a smile.

Luffy let out a laugh as he sheepishly crossed his arms behind a broad grin, "You know, it's hard to stay indoors for long, " he sobered and spoke more seriously, "But have you guys seen my friends? Killer and Kidd, the kestrel and eagle."

Robin's eyes seemed to soften with pity as she shook her head, shuffling to Luffy's right drew his gaze over to Sanji. The blond had his hands tucked into his pockets, he appeared slouched with a toothpick wedged between his lips.

Sanji narrowed his exposed eye, although Luffy was still distracted by the strange curl of an eyebrow, "I haven't seen anyone new on the island, but there is a murmur among the villagers of someone who fell into the sea. You'd want to check Elder Nyon's hut. That's where the injured are typically taken."

Nami solemnly nodded along in agreement. A glance at Robin showed her agreement as well.

Luffy looked between the three for a moment before uncrossing his arms, "Care to show me the way?"



The elder crow moved deftly, no movements spared. Her efficiency consoled him, but Killer couldn't help but puff up in the corner from uncertainty and fear. At least his mask hid his terror.

The young female crow worked silently alongside the elder. Killer felt his gaze following her if it wasn't pinned on Kidd's still form.

"Hold the wings in place after I reset them, " the raspy voice of the elder was almost spoken softly among the storm.

The woman moved forwards to hold the wings. The way she stood demanded attention, but her silence was imposing in a way that kept others silent. All but the old crow who was now applying complicated structures around Kidd's wings after the bones had been reset. The speed that they accomplished this was barely enough to keep him there and not hidden away.

When they finally finished and left Kidd to rest, the pair of crows found their way to the seating arrangements. The elder sat in a lone chair and gestured Kidd over as the young crow seated herself on one end of the couch.

"Come, fledgling, " ancient eyes bore into Killer's soul, he'd be a fool to defy them.

Timidly making his way across the room, Killer kept his gaze down. He sat on the edge of the same couch as the young crow on the opposite side. The elder gave a satisfied hum accompanied by a nod.

"Good, now for introductions. I am the elder, Nyon, and this is my granddaughter Boa Hancock."

Killer looked over to Hancock silently to appraise the woman. She continued to ignore him. Killer looked back to Elder Nyon uncertainly, in which she simply shrugged with a helpless scowl.

"I am Killer. Thank you for helping Kidd, " he was thankful for how level his voice sounded, it would not betray him today.

Elder Nyon gave a grim smile, "Of course. I have actually gained a fondness for this foolish fledgling, " she paused to look at Hancock with an inquiring tilt of her head before speaking once more, "Though, would you like to hear a story while we wait for your friend and this storm?"


2: The sea has always been a fearsome thing to us birdmen. Since we have inhabited islands, we have witnessed these storms and took shelter from them. Great minds emerged and found ways to predict storms and their severity and discovered measures to take against them. But none of these things could be accomplished by surface dwellers alone, they had help along the way.

There are other tales that paint stories of these great minds and their studies that took place at night beneath the stars. That is true for this tale as well, and it is accompanied by them using the soft lapping of the waves as a means of concentration. They say glowing eyes and dark shadows among the deeper reefs whispered about the tides and rising waters. The whispers also spoke of dark, circling clouds and harsh winds.

From these whisperings came warnings and unspoken rules.

Stay safe in your home.

Do not fly during a storm.

Avoid being near the sea at any costs.



A guardian, as he had been appointed. Marco traveled through the silent night beneath a shadow that obscured the pale moonlight from above. His charge certainly didn't need a guardian, but the prince had insisted that Marco should go with him.

They are following a sea current that will take them to the palace. A sanctuary is where they spend all their days now. The sanctuary is an old ruin from an older people that have long perished, wildlife has now reclaimed the structures as their own and created a beautiful paradise. But Marco couldn't cherish it. He was always restless and discontent.

This festival is held every year, mermen from all provinces are invited to attend. Including Marco and his charge. Along the way, they have so far acquired the company of a pod of dolphins and other leaders of the provinces.

Marco looked back over his shoulder and narrowed his gaze upon spotting the North Sea leader and his brother in tow. The two were oddities among the other royals. Their tails were peculiar but extravagant and beautiful. There is rumor that they call themselves dragons. Marco was uneasy about them coming to the castle with their history, but he wouldn't go against the Prince's word. It is for face, after all.

Doflamingo, the elder brother and leader of their province, caught Marco's gaze and let a dastardly grin etch across his face. Anger sparked within Marco, but he chose to look ahead once more. The blond could make his appearances. One wrong move and Marco would end him.

The distant lights of the palace enticed Marco and calmed him. Although he wishes he could remain angry with so many things, there is one thing that always softens his heart and resolve. Marco would do anything asked of him for this being. Why did they have to make it so hard?


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