Chapter 6

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He wasn't sure what had pissed the fish off but here he was. Pinned beneath the slimy mass with the tail batting around like the pure muscle it was. What the fuck had he done?

Law hissed angrily in Kidd's face as the two wrestled, his fangs snapping at the other's throat. Kidd didn't know what was up with those teeth, so he made sure to avoid them. Eventually the improper transfer from water to air seemed to finally take it's toll on Law. The merman slumped over Kidd's midsection and seemed to liquefy.

Kidd had jerked back from the unexpected limpness but was still wary of the fangs. He flipped them so he could pin Law down and rest his forearm over his neck, just in case. Tired, grey eyes opened after a few tense moments. A soft purring noise rose and Kidd swore he could feel Law's whole body vibrating.

"The fuck're you doing?" peaked canines kept themselves known through the almost delirious grin the merman offered Kidd.

"I'm sure you know what this is, Eustass-ya. I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to ask, " Kidd merely flexed his hand that was close to Law's neck.

Kidd let out a huff and released Law as he sat up, shaking out his wings that were now disorganized. He'd have to fix them later. Kidd glanced over to Law who hadn't moved. The moonlight was making the markings on his body annoyingly obvious. A scowl crossed Kidd's face at the thought of the moon. It was here so the story couldn't be true?

While Kidd was thinking, he had an unnoticed observer. A tail fin playfully brushed against Kidd's side.

"What has you thinking so hard? I'd rather not treat you for a headache for it, " though the words were teasing, Kidd tensed.

How could the merman take this all in so easily? Did they have legends of birdmen too?

Sharp, yellow eyes pierced the merman in place like a harpoon. All teasing left his being in favor of being serious with this troubled creature.

"Eustass-ya...I don't read minds. "

Kidd's nose flared as he bit back a snappy response. This fish easily got under his skin. He still didn't know why.

"I heard a story from an old crone, " this was lowly drawled out and seemed to grate on Law's nerves but he waited for Kidd to continue on his own.

Kidd took the silence to look at the small pool where Law had stayed. It only just occurred to him the fish could have just swam away but had decided to stay.

"Of how the bird met the fish, " he figured Law would understand the implied meaning behind their races, "It was under darkness. The fish lit a path for a weary bird to an island. "

Law nodded once Kidd finished, bright eyes alight with understanding.

"Yes, I can glow. No, I will not show you, " the smug grin only caused Kidd to grit his teeth, he shouldn't have expected any less.

Kidd left it at that, apparently this was a game again. He rolled his eyes with a huff before laying out his wings.

"Then answer the question from before. Seemed like a sensitive subject from your aggressive...attempt."

Now it was Law's turn to be disgruntled and was shown through the slight wrinkling of his nose, "What of it?"

"Don't avoid it, " Kidd growled as he crossed his arms to keep the cool nip of the night air at bay.

Law silently stared at Kidd's arms for a moment before sighing in defeat, "I was with a friend. We were looking for something that was lost. "

Kidd felt no lies, Law looked too tired to come up with anything elaborate at the time. But yet again, he seemed to have a twisted sense of humor similar to Kidd's. The thought caused a small grin to tug at his mouth.

Of Flight and FishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon