Marinette's Fangirling

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Marinette's POV

He asked me to be his girlfriend. ADRIEN AGRESTE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND. I squealed. Tikki flew from under her usual spot, and congratulated me, "Congratulations Marinette, now you can be with the love of your life!"

I sighed dreamily. But suddenly, I remembered something, and I started panicking.

"WAIT TIKKI THIS MIGHT BE BAD, IF OUR RELATIONSHIP DOESN'T TURN OUT WELL, ME AND CAT NOIR'S RELATIONSHIP AS SUPERHEROES MIGHT BE JEOPARDIZED IF WE DON'T COOPERATE PROPERLY. UGHHHH TIKKI WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!?!?!" I somewhat ranted, trying to be quiet in case if someone heard me. Before I had the scariest thought. I looked at Tikki, more scared than ever.

"Tikki...what if Hawk Moth finds out Ladybug and Chat Noir's dating and, use it as a potential weakness, what if, our love for each other leads to our downfall?"

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