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But if he ever look at me like that he could get it😤😤😤

Ok so I came up with this on a whim
I really don't know if anyone one has done this before but Im doing it now.

This is 16 things you probably didn't know about this story.(mostly bonnie)

(Now you can skip if you want to🙂)

1.Bonnie's personality is a mix of myself and my mother, her childish and affection side is me,while her stubborn and reasoning side is my mom.

2. The reason why i started "All mine" was because Jin deserve some chocolate in his life.🍫

3. When I first started this story i didn't expect it blow-up like this, I was trying to work hard on 'Baba Baby' (yes shameless promotion for my other story I know).

4.I already know how I want it to end, (I think) but im not sure of how many chapters it will take

5. I try to make the relationship that Bonnie and Jin have as real as possible.

6.I have been looking at a lot of Jin contain to match his personality as close as possible .

7.Bonnie is 5"7

8.Bonnie is not tiny, she's thicc

9.No Bonnie and Jin haven't "done it" yet (will be explained later)

10.Bonnie family will be coming in next chapter.

11.All of Bonnie siblings will act exactly like my sibling when I first started listening to BTS.

12.I kinda act out every scene in my room before I type it out(I'm kinda embarrass to admit that but I'm gonna being honest)

13.Bonnie is not perfect, she has her own demons from her past that reflect on who she is now.

14. There is going to be one big scene that is very much true of what happened in my life coming up in this story.

16. I won't really dive into the other members s/o but they maybe mentioned.

So thank you for staying til the end, if you did. I love and appreciate you for even choosing this story in the first place.


Thanks for enjoy the chapter.

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